Hide and seek


"Father you and Diana are really close." I said as I pretended to read a document.

"Hmm," he responded while scrolling through his computer.

"And you like her?"

He stop clicking the mouse and lifted his gaze to meet mine. "As a partner. I mean business partner."

I smirk, "oh really, you know you form a good couple."

He stare at me like I just said the answer to a very difficult question. "Uh..."

"Come on you won't deny it, I know you love her." I turn my back on him and from the corner of my eyes I saw him lean in his office chair rubbing his chin.

Once I turn around he resume his previous position hands on the desk.

"I don't think so, am not really good at love you know."

I laughed with my hand on my hip he stare at me with a slight annoy look.

"Sorry," I quickly regain my composure. "You don't need a degree to love, everyone is born to love is a natural gift that every human being posses."