The School Festival part I

"If you don't get up you're gonna be late for school man."

Daniel:" Alright, alright I get it I get it."

Hastily chasing my sister away, I got up from the bed, stretched a bit and looked at the calender across the room. 15 August.The first day of the school festival.

Daniel:" It's finally that time huh? This year seems like it will be more interesting than the last two."

Opening the door of the house to leave, Daniel eyes met with a very familiar bluish black. The eyes of the girl he recently met and yet had already made such a big impact on his life. Tearing down his carefully placed walls and also for arguably the first time, made him interested in learning more about someone else.

Jasmine:" Good morning. I see you're as dead as you normally look."

Staring at her with his mouth agape as Daniel realised something different about her, her hair was tied up into a ponytail and though she was wearing her usual uniform. He felt something was off, maybe the aura she gave off just felt different, after all being executive committee planner was a huge responsibility especially on the day of the event, naturally she would want to look more presentable.

Jasmine:" I would advise against staring at a girl for more than 10 seconds right in front of her. It's a one way ticket to the police office and I'm sure you would get convicted immediately."

Snapping back to his sense,Daniel looking anxious and embarrassed replied

Daniel:" Sorry about that."

Jasmine:" Let's go, I don't want to be late especially not with you."

Daniel :" I'm really starting to wonder what you see me as."

Arriving at school, streams of students poured in, excitedly discussing their plans for the day. Walking into the committee planning room, we were perplexed to find Sai standing there. The committee president, who only showed up 20% of the time was the first in the room. Brown dyed hair, obviously short skirt and an attractive appearance. Truly the kind of girl i hate. As she stood there she turned around smiling

Sai:" Good to see you both here, I was just readying myself for the opening speech but I'm having trouble coming up with one."

Daniel:" Huh? You haven't come up with one? It was due weeks ago."

Immediately covering his mouth, Daniel was shocked he had spoken up against someone with a much higher social status than himself, internally slapping himself for eternity over this.

Sai:" haha sorry sorry, I was too busy, being committee president is tough."

Daniel:( busy? Yeah busy hanging out with your boyfriend and friends, i refuse to be free labour, not like I have a choice, well i do but i'm not gonna defy someone with higher social status. Social suicide is not my thing.

Sai:" Anywayss regarding that could you help me write a good speech Jasmine."

Shocked, I turned towards Jasmine and once again my eyes lit up with shock. The same face of despair sprinkled with a bit of shock was all over her face. As she stared at the ground,she clenched her fist.

Jasmine:" Alright, I will have it ready by the opening ceremony."

Sai:" Thanks so much I knew I could always count on you!"

Smiling she walked past Jasmine stopping for a while to whisper something in her ear,so soft I could barely hear anything. Before leaving she turned to me and said

Sai:" Daniel was it? Do your best to support Jasmine." Laughing in a way that would seem normal but in truth I knew that laugh well. The laugh of someone mocking you. It was one I knew all too well.

Daniel:( wow could she shut up and leave, simply being here makes me sick to my stomach.)

As she closed the door, I turned to Jasmine and checked on her, as pale as before she walked over to her seat and began planning the speech.

Daniel:( Why does she so obediently listen to every one of those request from that entitled spoiled girl, the Jasmine I knew looked down on those people just like me. Yet why.)

Daniel had plenty of questions he wanted to find the answers to however as he watched her work. He noticed something else was off, her eyes were closing slightly and opening quickly at times, her head sometimes almost dropped to the table. Daniel saw Jasmine in a form different from her usual calm collected demeanor.

Daniel:( She's obviously sleep deprieved, must have been rushing some other schedules and work.)

Walking up to her seat piled with papers and reports to clear for the day, Daniel grabbed a huge stack and walked over to his seat and began to work.

Jasmine was shocked and stared at him

Daniel:" I would advise against staring at a guy for more than 10 seconds."

Jasmine:" You don't have to do my work, I'm sure you're busy too."

Daniel:" It's fine I have nothing much until the festival starts, I might not look like it but I actually have a big heart and also I don't know if it's because you're sleep deprieved but you're being awfully considerate to others. Not yourself though."

Jasmines eyes opened even wider in disbelief and surprise as she blushes slightly and grabs her shoulder and softly says

Jasmine:" Thanks."

Daniel:" No problem." Smiling as he said that, he was finally relieved to not have any insults hurled at him every 5 minutes when he was with her.

Stnading at back of the auditorium, Daniel was overseeing the hall to ensure every student inside was obeying rules as the opening ceremony was beggining.

Michael:" Yo how's everything?"

Daniel:" Oh sup, nothing much, just some general overseeing."

Michael:" I wonder how well the opening ceremony will be, with that person giving speech."

Daniel:" It's fine, she's not even writing the speech."

Michael:" Woah is it Jasmine again? I'm telling you with all the work she has done, I'm surprised she hasn't collapsed she still seems fine."

Daniel:" Seems."

Michael: " ooh someone knows her well it seems."

Daniel:"Another word out of your mouth and I won't hesitate to make a joke about Jamin again."

Michael:" Wow, cruel as usual."

As the lights turned off and the stage lit up, The stage curtains were drawn and out stepped Sai, waving and smiling. The whole crowd was attracted by her beauty and were captivated. None noticed Jasmine at backstage,mic attached to her mouth still working hard.

Daniel:" Hardworkers always get the short end of the stick huh, that's another messed up part of school society."

Sai:" I hope everyone has enough energy to last through the day, because today is going to be a day filled with lots of enjoyment and excitement, this years school festival will be better than all previous ones and our motto for this year is 'unending fun and joy'! Let's have a great festival."

As cheers erupted and the bell rang the festival officially started.

Daniel:( Wow that motto is pretty shitty, the one thing Sai works on and she gives this kind of motto. Talk about effort.)

Walking to backstage to check my first patrol destination, I walked past Jasmine still micro managing and organising things.

Daniel:" Nice speech out there, short and simple but really got everyone fired up. Sadly no one will give you credit for it."

Jasmine:" I don't need credit, as long as everyone enjoys themselves."

Our simultaneous gazes met as we both looed at each other in shock

Jasmine:" Wait no..."

Daniel:" haha you're surprisingly considerate for someone like you."

Her face was bright red as quickly ran away to continue her duties.

Daniel:" All the best to you.... Now then where to first for patrol. Oh third years classroom, interesting."

Walking towards each of their destinations as the school festival begins, the development continues to move foward.

AN: hello ppl thanks for reading de chapt, this chapter is the first of the sch festival and im excited to announce dis is a 6 part chapter that last till the end of the sch festival, each chapt covering diff part of festival frm each mc perspective and goal. Pls support me and if you like the bk give me a vote thank you for taking time to read dis.