Michael and Jamin walked the rounds, doing the standard patrol duties as they went along, to any normal person looking on it would seem like just any ordinary two classmates walking around doing their duties. However, the truth couldn't be any further from that.
Michael:" Damn this is awkward, like really awkward. What am I supposed to do now, what do I even talk about, I just realised it's our first time walking together and talking more than a few lines. THIS IS SO AMAZING AND HORRIFYING!"
As they continued to walk around, the noise and atmosphere of the school festival helped make the situation way less awkward than it would be, it helped them seem like they weren't alone but were surrounded by people. As the continued walking Michael couldn't help but steal a few glances at Jamin right next to her. He noticed the constant smile she put on her face and how cheerful she seemed. He remembered the initial reason he fell for her.
I got this, I just need to start some kind of conversation, ah come on just say something, please brain just say something.
As he was just about to start a conversation with her and just as he finally mustered up enough courage to say something;
Jamin:" Hey Michael...."
Slightly blushing as she opened her mouth to speak, Michael was completely entranced by her looks and almost stopped walking.
Man, she's so cute, I'm gonna freeze up and revert back to my socially anxious self again.
Jamin:" I know we barely talk but since we are on duty today, let's try to get along so this atmosphere won't be so awkward." flashing another beautiful smile towards Michael. His heart felt like it was shot by an arrow at that moment.
Michael:" Uhh Uhh same here, I hope we get along too."
UH I could have done that so much better, man I just showed her how socially awkward I can be.
Jamin: "It's quite rare when I can talk to you though, normally you're always seen with Daniel, so it was kind of hard to ever get the chance to interact with you."
Wow okay, I didn't know we seemed that close, damn it Daniel, now I seem like a cynical asshole like you. But it was good that she never talked to me before that, she would probably see nothing more but a stupid socially awkward person
Michael:" Do you plan on visiting any parts of the school festival after your patrol and class duty shifts are over?"
Jamin:" Of course! I have quite a few places I want to check out with my friends, but it all depends on our shift schedules though, because all our shifts are at different times."
Michael:" That's good, hope your schedules fit."
Jamin:" Thanks, I hope you can hang out with Daniel too."
Michael turns away from her as he covers his face with embarrassment.
Michael:" Uh... thanks."
As they continued to walk around and check on different parts of the school festival, Michael had more time to pay attention to the surroundings. It was a typical school festival he had already experienced twice in the past two years. But this year felt different, maybe it was because he was walking around with his crush, but he felt more excited and less dreadful about walking around such a large group of people. The smell of typical school festival food from hotdogs to fried chicken made his nose tingle with cravings. The sound of dozens of students all conversing with each other at different volumes. The shouting and echoes of students advertising their class booths. As they walked around the conversed about the most trivial things about their day and all the preparations for school festival. It was short but Michael cherished every moment of it.
Michael: "Maybe it isn't so bad to walk around like this once in a while."
As they walked around a while more about to finish up their patrol duty, Jamin ran into a couple of friends on the way back to class.
Samantha: "Haven't seen you all day, are you that busy? Must be tough being in class that got assigned patrol duty."
It was at that moment Samantha notices an unfamiliar giant figure standing next to the small and petite Jamin.
Samantha: "Who's that guy with you? Don't tell me you're on a date with someone like that?"
Michael: Urgh... I'm already reminded of why I absolutely hate so many people like this. To them we're nothing but rejects. Daniel's ideology is right in certain aspects and this is one of them. Ah man, I already feel like heading back to class.
Jamin: "Michael? Are you okay?"
Immediately being snapped back from his thoughts, Michael found the girl he had been infatuated with, suddenly inches away from him, looking up and staring right at him with a concerned look on her face.
Michael: "Uh.....yea I'm fine, shall we head back to class since our shift is over? I wouldn't want you to waste your break with someone like me."
Jamin: "That's not true. It was fun getting to know a classmate better, you made this boring shift way better. Thanks!" she said, gleaming as she smiled. Michael was completely frozen still and his face turned beet red.
I will burn this moment in my brain forever. Daniel, I'll give you props this time, you did good.
As they walked back to the classroom, Michael heaved a sigh of relief as he had exhausted all his courage to not seem like some socially awkward person in front of Jamin, and he was prepared to enjoy a nice long break.
Jamin: "Are you guys done with your shift? I have a few places I wanna check out."
???: "Sorry Jamin, but our shift is far from over, we both got patrol duty after as well. If only Daniel didn't force patrol duty on the class we would have had more free time."
Jamin: "haha it's fine it's fine. We still have tomorrow to hang out right?"
???: "Yea sorry go enjoy yourself today, tomorrow we can all go together."
Jamin: "Sure."
Jamin had put up a disappointed look on her face, like any normal person would have when being told by their friends that they were unable to hang out, especially for a popular person like Jamin, but Michael saw something different.
After spending enough time around Daniel, he had learnt to look out for the extremely minute details that most people would miss in body language. Her posture was more relaxed and she seemed more relieved for some reason, Michael knew it all too well. It was a posture he saw quite often.
Whatever I'm about to do I will probably regret, but it's worth a shot.
Michael: "Hey Jamin?"
Looking next to her, Jamin noticed Michael looking away with a flustered expression.
Michael: "Since your friends are busy and you're on your break... wanna go check out the festival together? I MEAN I... was... already planning on going myself but since you are as well why not we go together?"
Looking down anticipating the coming rejection he was about to face, Michael braced for the worst.
His eyes opened widely as he lifted his head to face Jamin, her usual innocent and pure, almost angelic-like smile across her face.
Oh crap she actually accepted what am I going to do? I didn't think I'd get this far.
Michael noticed Daniel in the distance who probably heard everything, to which Daniel proceeded to give him the thumbs up and slowly backed away. Michael was obviously annoyed by this, but quickly forgot about it.
Jamin: "Shall we go? I don't know where to go first..."
Michael:" Let's just walk around and see if there's anything interesting."
Jamin: "Sure"
As they walked around, going into different classes and trying out different things, Michael had this constant feeling of nervousness that plagued him for the whole time, telling him to be on his best behaviour and shut out his social anxiety, at the same time also being distracted by Jamin's constant smile and extreme adorableness.
As their break was coming to an end, they sat at one of the benches further away from the ruckus, enjoying a nice chilled drink as the sun glared at them. Michael couldn't help but wonder how Jamin felt about this whole experience. Did she enjoy it? Or did she just pity him and followed this poor sod around for her break?
Jamin: "Thanks for asking me to join you, it was a lot of fun."
Michael face lit up as he felt a sense of joy run through every vein in his body.
Michael: "Thanks, I had a lot of fun too."
IT was SOO fun but even more nerve racking, a man can only take this much shock in one day.
Jamin: "... for once I felt so relaxed."
Michael: "Did you say something?" Michael noticed for a second there her smile changing to one more of relief.
Jamin: "Nothing it's fine. Come on, let's head back to class, I'm sure Daniel must be looking for you."
Michael: "Um I know we hang out a lot and stuff but I don't think we're that dependent on each other, he's got his own stuff to deal with now." Smiling as he stared towards the committee meeting room on the second floor.
Jamin: "Haha! Sure thing. Alright then, let's go."
The two walked off towards the school building, fading out into the unending crowd of students, little would they know this small encounter would be the catalyst to a whole new beginning.