The School Festival part V

As the first day of the school festival drew to a close, the excitement and passion only increased as the second day arrived. Walking towards the gate of the school filled with decorations cluttered everywhere, Daniel wondered about the bonfire Sai had tasked him and Jasmine with preparing. Would he even be able to complete it on time, there was no guarantee he was going to get the materials on time all he had was a flimsy promise to get the materials at the time he needed them.

Daniel:( I hope she can get the necessary permissions from the authorities in time.)

Jasmine:" Why do you look so stressed out?"

Daniel:" Woah you scared me, you shouldn't suddenly sneak up behind me."

Jasmine:" You were blocking the way to school, you shouldn't assume that people want to initiate conversation with you."

Daniel:" Wow as cruel as ever I the way, did you manage to get the approval forms from the local authorities?"

Jasmine:" I'm going to pick up the forms today at 1 pm."

Daniel:" Let's hope you can make it on time."

Jasmine:" I'm more worried about whether you can get the materials, you haven't displayed any amount of resourcefulness before so I doubt your ability."

Daniel:" Well after this you will recognise my ability then."

Jasmine:" We shall see."

Daniel: She's back to her usual self, I'm surprised she can be so nonchalant about this, especially after making a face like that before.

As he wondered back to the pale despaired filled look on Jasmine's face just yesterday, he grew even more interested in finding out why she was like that, but he suppressed those thoughts for now. The important thing was getting the bonfire done so he could finally relax."

As the second day of the school festival was in full swing, Daniel continued his patrolling duties. This time he was paired up with Michael so it wasn't as boring of an experience.

Michael:" You look stressed for someone just being on patrol."

Daniel:" I'm worried about the bonfire for the closing ceremony tonight. Sai and her stupid antics just piled more work up for the committee."

Michael:" Sounds tough. Anything I can do to help?"

Daniel:" I don't think so....." stopping dead in his tracks Daniel looked towards the ground and pondered for a few moments. He immediately took out his phone and made a call.

???:" Yes Mr. committee member what is it now, sorry, we are too busy preparing your necessary materials to entertain any cynical rants."

Daniel::" How long more will you take to get all the materials."

??:" Unfortunately, at the rate we're going probably can't meet the time you want us to."

Daniel:" Do you need any extra manpower?"

??:" You can actually find someone to help do manual labour instead of having fun, that would help out a lot thanks!"

Daniel:" No problem as long as I get the materials on time."

??:" Yes sir."

Daniel:" Michael could you head over to the second block in school? The camping club's shed is there. I need your help to transport all the materials we need for the bonfire."

Michael:" EH? Me? Are you sure, I probably won't be of much help though."

Daniel:" It's fine we need all the help we can get. Think of it as payment for giving you that wonderful experience yesterday."

Immediately turning red, Michael sighed in defeat and ran off to the shed to help out.

Daniel:" Alright now that that's taken care of. I have to go get permission from the school to use the flammable materials."

Running past the crowds filled with students, cheerfully enjoying the festival, Daniel couldn't help but notice the irony of school festivals

Daniel: Saying it's a time to have fun applies to 95% of the student body, the remaining 5% of us in the committee are working ourselves to death for the enjoyment and fun of the rest. Not to mention we have a useless committee chairwoman who only piles more work on us. But thinking about it logically, it makes sense. Sacrificing a few peoples happiness for the sake of the majority works out. Teachers can sit in their offices and relax while most of the students have fun. Flawless plan, if only I wasn't in the committee.

Running past the crowds and almost at the teachers' office, Daniel noticed someone standing there, almost as if she had been waiting for him. As he approached he looked towards the ground, trying to avoid eye contact at all cost. He was about to reach the door when suddenly.

Sai:" Oh Daniel, I didn't see you there. What are you doing here?"

Daniel:" Getting the necessary permission to start the bonfire you requested chairman." with a slight hint of irritation in his voice.

Sai cheerful and wide smile changed to that of a cold and callous expression that Daniel had never seen before as she blocked his way. She was obviously trying to tell him something.

Sai:" Aren't you curious at all? Don't you wanna know?"

Daniel:" About?"

Sai:" My relationship with Jasmine. Why that girl is at my beck and call, listening to every request i make with absolute obedience."

His eyes widened as he stopped, slightly turning his head towards Sai, Daniel eyes displayed a strong sense of intrigue and a desire to know the answer to that question. But logic quickly snapped him back to reality.

Daniel:" Not really? Why would I? This is something between you and her. It has nothing to do with me."

Just at that moment, a tall defensive figure shows up next to her.

Tom:" What are you doing here? I thought we were going to visit class 3-E's stall together?"

Daniel: Oh great, more idiots to deal with. How did I even get myself into this, I just needed a permission slip.

Sai looked back at me and proceeded to smile with that familiar sadism that she commonly showed.

Sai:" Isn't it obvious? You have a crush on her. What guy would do all that for someone who they aren't interested in."

Instantly Daniel felt a small burst of anger flare up.

Daniel: Huh? What kind of analogy is that. For someone who has over 20 guy friends she hangs out with alone at times I'm surprised those words just came out of her mouth.

Tom:" Aren't you gonna answer her?"

Daniel looked towards her boyfriend with a look of contempt.

Daniel: What do you even have to do with this?

Sai:" Silence means yes, right? So you are interested in finding out about her past. Such a coward, can't even admit something as simple as that."

Daniel face was staring at the ground as he contemplated his next move. Was he going to answer that direct insult or just suck it up for his social status and reputation?

Daniel: If I answered her now, it would be equivalent to social suicide with anyone she's friends with.

In most situations, this is where he would back off and take the insult, but not now. Such a direct challenge to his ideals and his morals combined with the already built up irritation towards Sai had finally made Daniel for the first time flare up.

Daniel:" Man, you just can't shut up can you?"

Slowly raising his head to the shocked expressions of Sai and Tom. Daniel had steeled his resolve.

Daniel: Since it's come to this, might as well play it all the way till the end.

Daniel:" Seriously. Since when did you become such a chatterbox to a loser like me. You must be really insecure to derive such joy from picking on others with a lower social status."

Sai stared with complete shock almost like watching a victim stand up to the bully for the first time.

Daniel:" And honestly, where did you draw the impression that I like Jasmine just because I'm going to great lengths to help her. Maybe you could consider the enormous workload you piled on us thanks to your absolute uselessness. For someone so useless it would be better you just stop coming to any of the meetings anyways."

Turning to Tom, Daniel smirked and openly rebuked him

Daniel:" Honestly Tom, she hangs out with 20 guys all the time, can you really put your trust in someone like that? Who knows, you're probably just a replacement for some other guy she dumped. Give it a few months and you'll end up just like the previous guy..."

Grabbing his shirt, Tom pushed Daniel into the wall of the office as Daniel lost his balance and fell to the ground against the wall. At this moment, Ms Koto walked out of her office, horrified at what she witnessed.

Ms Koto:" What's going on here! Why are you fighting?"

Smirking still Daniel looked at Ms Koto and smiled.

Daniel:" See Ms Koto. What did I say in my essay? Teenagers are nothing more than emotion driven animals who will do anything to defend their pride and ego like it's the world to them."

Scoffing at Sai and Tom and he stood up and dusted himself off and walked towards another teachers office, leaving the dumbfounded Sai, Tom and Ms Koto in his tracks.

Eventually, Ms Koto called Daniel to her office.

Ms Koto:" What do you think you're doing? Getting into a fight while you're on the committee."

Daniel:" Did you see me pull any punches or get physical? No, it was just him. So leave me out of this." Pulling out the paper from his pocket he asked Ms Koto to sign it. Having no say against him due to a lack of evidence, Ms Koto signed the form and got him to leave.

As he strolled back to the committee room. Daniel put on a sour face, basically putting a sign up telling people not to approach him, removing his committee armband to ensure that.

Emotions. Probably the biggest thing that separates humans from animals, yet adolescence completely ruins that. What was initially used to allow us to feel empathy for one another, has been turned into nothing more than a tool. Teenagers are people who use emotions over logic. In their world, emotions are number one and anything that damages those emotions are evil. No matter how logical it might be.

They live in a bubble, forever believing they are the centre of the world. They rebuke others for being self centered, but then in the next moment they are bragging about how cool they are, or insulting others for their own self-validation. And I'm somehow supposed to fit in with these people, these people who know nothing but themselves, who preach justice on one hand and then practice evil with the other. Such is the nature of school society. What a joke it is. You enter school expecting a fun and enjoyable time. But all you get is suffering and pain, forced to hide away who you really are for the sake of a few people society deems more socially right than us. That's why, I will always despise school society.

AN: hello everyone thanks for reading this chapter and hope you enjoyed it, we are at the second last part of the school festival arc after chapter 6 there will be an epilogue and arc 2 will begin. This chapter is longer than usual but I hope the pacing isn't too bad for you guys thanks for reading