The Student Council Elections part VI

As we saw Paul walking down the corridor towards the school's huge noticeboard, the rest of the students simply stared in awe and watched this person and his every move. Almost like a celebrity, well he was sort of a celebrity. In our school, the ten great club presidents are almost like noble houses within the school. They are the leaders of the ten clubs that hold the most influence in the school, it might not seem like much to an outsider, but these ten people are the most respected throughout the whole school as much as the student council is.

Michael:" It's strange for any of them to ever come to the main campus for any reason."

Daniel:" Yeah usually they stay within the specially constructed building for them, most students don't actually get to talk to them.... but still, I never expected the person from yesterday to be Paul Selune, he looked so aloof yesterday, although I do sense a resemblance."

Michael looked at me quite confused.