The Student Council Elections part IX

Michael:" You feeling better?"

Michael opened my room door asking that question. I was at the mirror adjusting my uniform before leaving for school. Michael closed the door and sat on my bed as I continued to get myself ready for school.

Daniel:" Yeah, it was just a slight cold. Don't worry too much about it."

Michael:" Oh but thanks to that cold you got to spend some quality time with a certain someone huh?"

Daniel:".... Yeah..."

Hearing my completely honest answer, Michael seemed to be slightly put off after hearing that. I looked at him and asked him what was wrong.

Michael:" Oh nothing... it's just that it's kind of strange seeing you reply so honestly. I mean I was expecting you to throw something at me then deny everything."

Daniel:" Do I look like a tsundere to you?"

Michael:" That's true, you're definitely not as good-looking as most tsunderes."

As he said that, I immediately walked up to him and slapped him on the head.

Michael:" Ouch what was that for?"