The Immovable Wall

Daniel:" What?"

Justin:" Yeah I'm asking this favor of you, Daniel. Please let me talk to Shirou. I believe I can help convince him."

As he said that, Justin bowed his head towards us as if he was begging us to save his family or something. I was astonished to hear him ask such a thing, though I hadn't known him for that long, he never struck me as someone who would care much about Shirou and the entire incident surrounding him. But then I thought back to his entire student council campaign. He was probably the bravest out of all of us, with absolutely no experience or support from others he made the decision to run for president. Now here he was asking me a simple favor after I personally brought him into the student council.

I smiled before euphorically rising from my seat to walk up to him before handing him a slip of paper.

Daniel:" Well here you go. If you want to see Shirou, this is where you'll need to go."