The Final Decision

Justin:" It's over Shirou, I've won."

As Justin turned around victorious, he faced Shirou who was still bewildered and stunned at what had just happened. All he could do was stare at the ground in shock. However, after what felt like an eternity, he raised his head towards the sky as the sun shun brightly at his face. A smile could be seen on his face as he whispered to himself.

Shirou:" So that's how it is huh?"

As Shirou turned around to face Justin, he crossed his arms and spoke.

Shirou:" Well I lost. Like I agreed upon, I'll return to the club and my position. But that was the most fun I've had in a while, so thanks for that Justin. You're a tough one I give it to you. The president should be grateful he had someone like you on his council."

Justin:" Not at all I simply did what I believed was correct."

Justin turned his face away in embarrassment upon hearing those compliments. Shirou approached him and stretched his hand out as Justin seemed shocked for a moment.