The inter-school finale part I

Daniel:" It's finally here huh?"

Michael:" Yeah. Who would have thought 2 months would have passed just like that."

Leon:" But there really are a lot of people here."

Entering the stadium, we could hear the screams of the crowds as the various matches were taking place. Cheers and screams could be heard from as far away as a whole kilometer at times. Currently, our school was winning with about 5-3 in terms of wins in each of the activities. The current match was Shirou and Jacobs match which would be the last ones before my match. I began to feel relieved as those two were incredibly skilled so even if I lost my match we didn't need to worry too much because we would still make it to the main event.

Rosalia:" When's your match, Daniel?"

Daniel:" It should be at about 1 p.m."