Hey it's Illume here. So weird things just keep happening. I don't know why it's happening or who's causing it but I do have a couple of thoughts on it. Well let's just say I know that someone is playing us all from behind the scenes like some kind of chess game and from what the Angel told me I wouldn't be surprised if this external party is still using us as pawns to further their plan. What happened after that fight with Shadow still confuses me. I mean he's completely back to being his goofy self. He remembers nothing and barely even has a scratch on him. Let's rather forget about that for now though. Right now, I'm just happy that Shadow came back to his senses or has he? Something still seems a bit off...
Illumes POV:
So Shadow is talking to me like nothing happened and what's more, there's no signs of a battle on him. What is he, Wolverine? Anyway, I wouldn't say I'm unhappy. My buddy's back after all so let's go and see what he has to say for himself.