WebNovelMY WOLF93.75%

Chapter 15

Oh god! No! Please no! We were huddled around Aiden's body as Chester's yells filled the air. The doctors took him and laid him in the stretcher as they brought him in a van to the pack house, where the medical station is.

Selena just vanish into thin air after the attack, while the remaining wolves from Silverfang Pack become crazy as they convulsed one by one. Their bodies begun to rot and its so disgusting to see their flesh filled by a lot of maggots and worms eating their flesh fast as it consume all the flesh leaving the bones behind. Then suddenly their bones lit up and after half a minute all of their bodies were completely turned to ashes.

Aiden's body is unrecognizable and the pack doctors even the Higher doctoc brought by the Higher Council where looking at Aiden's body now inside the ICU. Chester is lucky to be thrown so far that the lightning don't even graze him but Aiden is and I don't want to think about what will happen to him now.

When I saw his burned body fell to the ground my heart stop. Completely. He is my friend, my first friend and I just want him to be okay.

So please, god! If you even exist please help him!

Chester is slump down in the corner while crying loudly. Trenton is beside him hugging him, as tears flow to his cheeks. And I am hugging Deathon as I sat on his lap.

Dad and his man where still on search of Selena. I never saw my father so angry before. His eyes are deadly when he saw Aiden's body fell down. Even Matthew's eyes is tearing as he remain with us and standing in a far corner watching.

Then the door in Aiden's room opened and the doctors step out. Chester begun yelling and thrashing around when he saw their grave faces.

"We are extremely sorry but we've done all we can do but we can't save his body anymore. His internal organs are all burned, his heart completely stop beating and we can't revive him anymore." The hooded man said.

"You're lying he can't be! His still alive! No! No! You need to help him please!" Chester cried as he went to his knees infront of the guy looking at him with pleading eyes.

My heart broke when I saw on how broken Chester looks like. But the hooded man just shake his head, that's when Chester broke down. His body shakes and his sobs filled the place. My eyes water looking at him, Deathon is the same beside me. Trenton haul Chester's body bringing him to his chest. He rock him back and forth calming him down. Then suddenly he begun choking for air as he tremble. The doctors yelled for the nurse. Suddenly a lady in her early thirties were running toward them clutching a tray. The doctor help Trenton to sit while instructing the nurse for an injection. When the needle pierce Chester skin he begun calming down then slumped down unconcious.

They brought him to a room as the remaining doctors advice as to rest. Deathon drag me out, then to their house and to his room.

"Kimmy, I love you so much."

"Me too." Then he brought me to his arms and hug me tightly. I heard him say my name over and over like a lullaby as my eyes begun to feel heavy then darkness consumed me completely.


My body is aching all over when I woke up. Turning around I saw that Deathon is gone. Abruptly standing I suddenly felt dizzy as I stumble down a little. My head begun pounding as I lean myself in the wall. And I almost jump high when the door are thrown open and Deathon suddenly walk in.

"Babe, are you okay?" He ask.

"Uh, my head."

"Okay, just a moment I would give you an aspirin for that." I just say a small 'okay'. He went to the bathroom, then after a while he came to me with a glass of water and two tablets of aspirin. I took it and swallow as I drink the water. After a couple of minutes the pain decrease and I saw him crouching in front of me with worried face.

"De, I'm fine. Its just headache okay." I told him softly as I held his cheeks with my hands. He nod at me and help me stand up.

"Come on the guys is here and it seems the Higher Council needs to talk with us." I just eye him curiously but still let him as he led me downstairs.

The people in the sala is a sight to see. My father, Trenton, Matthew are glaring to a boy who has a blonde hair and intelligent piercing green eyes. And the funny thing is the boy just stare at them blankly. When we came near them their gaze come to us.

"Finally, I just told you Deathon to wake him up and bring him here not have sex with him you know." Trenton sarcastically said as he eyed as heatedly. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"But were not! I'm just hel-" Deathon begin reasoning out but Trenton just cut him off.

"No more excuses," he said, but I gave him a cold glare. He shift uncontrollably and soften his expression.

"Sorry guys for snapping like that. I'm just stressed."

"Its OK bro." Deathon said with reassuring smile.

"Well, so this is the infamous couple eh. Deathon Blackwood and Kimmton Ramirez." The boy said as he raise his eyes at us. I just stare at him blankly and Deathon stiffen beside me when he saw the boy's face.

"Rafael Constantine." De said in a whisper.

"Hmn, oh I see you do not know me. How embarrassing, well young lad I am Rafael Destone Constantine. A vampire. And the founder of the High Council." He said.


A vampire.

An actual living vampire.


"Your not sparkling?" I suddenly ask. My mind completely shut down. And I'm internally panicking. Oh God!

But he just raise his brow at me and give me the look that said 'are you shitting me'. That stop my mouth in opening again to ask something ridiculous. But hey you can't judge me. Its not everyday I can meet a legit vampire.

"Well, like I said a while ago. Its very important that Deathon and Kimmton heard everything I'm about to explain." He start, as he eyed as seriously. "This problem were rooted for hundreds of years ago and we can not stop it. It all started in here, on this land. Hundred years ago a coven of black witches were leaving here but accidentally a young woman summoned a demon. The witches rejoice but the older ones take the credit and started pampering the demon so that they can ask for their own personal wishes. And they don't let the woman near the demon as they lock her in a cave in the mountains to die but the demon knew better. He knows that his true master is the young woman, so one night he slaughtered them all and save the young woman. They come back here and started living together but the woman fell in love with the demon while the demon only wanted her as a friend or a companoin. But he can't broke their contract so he comply to his master and bed with him. After many years the young woman grew older while the demon remained young. She become frustrated to him so he let him roam around while she research a spell that will make her young again. But one day while the demon is in the forest he met a beautiful young man. He is half beast and half human. They talk, then become friends and suddenly fell in love with each other. The demon don't understand his growing feelings for him at first because he is man. But he welcomed it and their happy days begun. But their perfect world crushed when the witch learned about their relationship. She's angry and disappointed. But she gave the demon a chance to chose her again but the demon chose the man. The witch, who is consumed by so much anger have done a terrible mistake. He cursed the demon but the demon have magic much darker than any thing else. The cursed bounced back and hit the witch cursing her with never ending hate and immortality. Her life will become a full cycle in hating and dying over and over again. But the half wolf half man become affected of the dark energy. He shift in his beast form and become consume by the dark energy. He started losing his human side and demon don't want him to suffer so he gave his soul to him, because of that they both created a new life. Their soul bond and become one. And that's the story behind the Blackwood Family. Your family is much stronger than any Pack because your first ancestor are from a werewolf and a demon. Selena is the name of the witch. Her curse is a never ending cycle, but it also gave birth to never ending death and sadness around it."

We were quiet after hearing the whole truth from him. And I know that's a lot to take in. For all of us. Trenton is deep in thought, dad and his men have blank faces. While Deathon grip my waist more tightly when Rafael mentioned death.

"That's a lot to take in." Trenton suddenly said.

"Yeah, and Selena is still out there." My dad said, Trenton and De's face turn to him with confused expression.

"She's still alive?" De ask.

"We don't have any idea actually. We only found her dress crumpled down in the ground in a mound of ashes. We don't have any idea on where is she exactly. She just vanished into thin air and we still don't have any lead." His father said in low and tired voice.

"I see," Rafael whisper.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You don't have to find her anymore. It seems that this time, she run out of time before she can kill a Blackwood."

"Run out of time?" Trenton ask.

"Selena can only live for a year and eventually she will die again, then after five years she will come back again to murder a member of your family. Its an endless cycle." Rafael explain.

"Is that what happened to our father?" De quietly ask.

"Sadly yes."

"Five years of waiting before I can kill her, then." A familiar voice suddenly said. Turning to it, they saw Chester's tear streaked face. But his eyes is full of darkness and hatred.

"Chester," Rafael stated "You can kill her five years from now, and again the next five year until you grew tired of killing her but she will come back again and again to haunt you. So I advice you guys to search of a way to kill her. She was curse by a demon then maybe she can kill by one." He said while his gaze lock at me. My father jaw slackened and I felt his anger but any anger that he feels never felt by the others in the room. Thank God, then I look back at Rafael coldly but he just shrugged his shoulders and stand up.

"I will look a way to kill that bitch. And I will kill her with my own hands, I will make her scream as I torture her first." Chester stated with blank face and dark eyes. Trenton and De eyed their brother with worry and I can't help to agree with Chester. Selena need to die already, living for the purpose of revenge will only bring pain and sadness especially to them.

Deathon suddenly nuzzle at my neck then I saw Chester leave the room we felt sorry for him. A werewolf mate is the other half of their soul, their soulmate and losing one just means killing your other half. And by the looks of Chester half empty self. I felt pity to the guy. He truly loved Aiden and now that his gone its slowly killing him. Trenton sigh sadly as he look at his brother's retreating back. We want to help him but we don't know how.

"Just give him space, I'm sure he will be just fine. Now that he has a purpose in continue living even it means killing someone will make him more stronger. We just need to guide him from a far. So he won't feel lost." Dad suddenly said. Then Trenton and De gave my father a thankful smile. Atleast for now our mind are much clearer. But Deathon still gripping my waist tightly and I know for sure it will leave a mark.

Then suddenly I turn him around and hug him lovingly and kiss him fully at the lips. Right now I don't care of anyone even my father I just want to reassure him that I won't leave him. That I will be with his side forever.

"I love you De. You are mine and I'm yours. I am your human and you are my wolf, don't ever forget that." I softly whisper to him as I look him straight in the eyes. His eyes water as he lovingly gaze at me. I felt my heart quicken.

"I love you so much." He exclaimed as he catch my lips to his with a searing kiss. Our bodies bonded together and we felt our mind become loss in our own world of euphoria...
