Chapter 14


My heart flutter in my chest. I am filled so much happiness as I gaze at my mate's sleeping face. I brush a strand of hair away from his face, relishing its softness through my finger tips.

Its been a week since Selena's appearance. For the second time, the whole pack is shaken from fear. As we still can not move on to what happened before. And its agonizing, especially looking at Chester's hate-filled face.

I can't blame him, after witnessing Aiden's death in front of him, and all the pain that he felt before. Its only normal that he wanted to get his revenge. As his desire to kill the witch who kill the one he once loved grow inside of him.

I snap away from my thoughts when I feel Zainn twitch beside me. Looking to him, I smile when I saw his eyes flutter open. Then his nose scrunched up cutely as he turn his twinkling eyes at me.

"Good morning baby." I whisper huskily as I peck him at the lips.

"..morning.." He murmur sleepily smiling at me. I become daze as I stare to his eyes. I miss him. I miss this. The blissful feeling that I always felt every morning as I wake up seeing his smiles.

I brought my hands towards his face. Gliding my fingers to his soft cheeks. He lean to my touch and close his eyes. I trace every delicate features his face has, every parts of it. His delicate eyebrows, long lashes, smooth and unblemished skin, his soft and cute nose, and finally his pinkish plump lips.

I lean forward and saw him open his eyes, it is full of so much love that I almost melt in my bed. Then I captured his lips with mine, tasting his sweetness. I wrap my arms around his waist bringing him closer to me, our chest touching intimately..

It become heated as the room where filled with our moans as I begin to grind at him.

"I want you..." I hoarsely say as I nip his neck making him moan.

But then we heard knocks at the door. I feel my face grow pale as I remove myself at him.

Shit! I almost did it with him!! Oh crap!

"Trenton, hey are you awake? Rafael is here.." Nico's voice says behind the door.

"Yeah I'm awake, just tell him to wait.." I said. Then I heard him reply with an okay before he walks away.

I sigh deeply and bring my face to my now trembling hands.


Suddenly I felt sparks around me as tiny arms wrapped around my torso.

"You don't have to think badly of yourself Trenton, its not your fault. I know it might be wrong for you because I'm still young but I love you and I do not see any wrong with your actions." He whisper softly.

I whip my head and face him, guilt clearly written in my face. "I know but, Zainn I almost have sex with you and its not--"

I stop talking when he bring a finger in my lips silencing me completely with a glare.

"Its okay, you are my mate and we are bound to have sex. Kimmton and Nicholai already told me about you being an Alpha and your growing needs to mate with me. And fuck my age! I don't care if its wrong to other people's eyes or the society can't accept us! And for fuck sake Trenton, don't tell me the same thing they also say. We have our own beliefs and reasoning.. We don't have to bend our way and agree with their rules. As long as we love each other, and not hurting anyone with it then its okay. And you should know by now that I accept what you are.." He said, and bring his small hands cupping my cheeks gently with a sincere smile. "And if you want to do it with me, you just have to ask.."

I'm speechless and to my utter horror I'm incredibly hard. Fuck!

"What are you doing to me, baby..." I murmur softly..bringing him close to me, nuzzling his neck.

"Well, I just want you to fuck me.." He said seductively, earning a long moan from me.

He giggle softly as he detach himself from me. Hopping from the bed and running out from our room.

A soft smile tug on my lips, as I watch his retreating form. Shaking my head I stand up and go to the bathroom, and do my morning routine hurriedly as I remember Rafael.

Fuck that vampire! Why he's here anyways? Sigh... I just hope he has good news for us..

But suddenly I smirk when I realized what my mate said before he run away from me. Oh, now Zainn have done it! He should not said something like that.. Now the beast in me is smiling evilly thinking all possible things that I can do to make my little Zainny scream my name..


Soft laughter greet me when I came down. Rafael and Zainn are talking and giggling with each other.

I quirk my brow at Rafael as he look at me walk near them. Then Zainn let out a squeak when I haul him from the sofa and carry him possessively.

"Why are you here?" I growl as I tightened my hold with Zainn.

"Pretty much possessive as always!!" He mock while he smirk at me. And it took all of my strength just to hold my wolf in tearing his smug face to pieces.

"Trenton..., wait let me go! He's not doing anything..please babe!" My ears perk when I heard him called me 'babe'. And I forgot Rafael is there or even where we are as I kiss Zainn roughly. I nip, suck and lick his lips tasting him. Someone clear his throat snapping me to my trance, letting me stop kissing my Zainn.

The smug face of Rafael caught my eyes as he look at me mischievously.

Zainn is weak in his knees panting hard. I tightened my hold at his slender waist as I let him straddle my lap, when I sit in front of Rafael. But my breathing hitch when I felt his hard bulge pokes my stomach.

"What?" I ask Rafael.

"Oh its nothing really," he said with a smirk. "And I think I need to tell you already what I came here for. Because I think you have growing problem in your hands.."

I let out a cough to mask my moan when I felt Zainn grind his hips, letting his bum graze my growing erection. Fuck! How come he knows how to do that?!

"So you were saying..?" I inquire as I held Zainn hips firmly, earning a whimper at him.

Rafael just chuckle and look at me knowingly. "Well, I want to tell you that I get a hold with a powerful witch that can help us. Luckily enough she knows how to destroy Selena." He start but his face suddenly become grim. I gulp nervously and I felt Zainn grow still.

"What is it?" I ask, scared.

He let out a sigh and his eyes shine with pity. "She said that she can destroy her but not the curse that she cast to you and your mate.."

My eyes widen and I gasp loudly as I hold Zainn tightly around me.

"What do you mean? What curse??" A voice suddenly ask, turning around I saw my brothers and their mates as they walk toward us with fearful eyes.

"We do not know what are you saying?!" Deathon suddenly yell, in total rage.

"Yes, if there is a curse in Trenton and Zainn, I should have felt it already.." Kimmton exclaim

"Most especially me.." Nico states darkly.

I'm in total shock as it all came to me, crashing my mind as the whole thing collapse upon me.

"It is something different and completely complicated.." An eerie voice suddenly say.

I whip my head to its source bringing Zainn near me. "Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Jeanna, a spirit witch. One that holds the key to the spirit world. I've been searching for Selena's soul for quite a while now. As she had broken a lot of law in our world. And now that I find her I must destroy her once and for all. Because if not, the world as we know will perished.."

She is eerie and creepy, a woman in her late twenties with silver white hair and white long dress. And her face is pale and almost look sickly.

Can she really destroy Selena?

"Looks can be deceiving Trenton, I thought you should now that more than anyone else.." Rafael taunt at me while he smile smugly.

What an ass!!

"You said we are curse right, what do you mean?" A soft voice ask, looking down at him I see my mate eyed the woman curiously in front of us. I am impressed when I saw his face remain calm. Zainn is really beyond me... I never thought he can be as strong as this.

"The curse,.. I am sorry Luna, if it would might bring a big tragic in your life. But as Alpha Trenton's mate, you are chosen by Selena as the host of Lemuelle's soul. The demon of death. The necromancer. The once who was love by Selena and bound by her spell. But become fated to a Blackwood werewolf.. "

I feel my grip tightened around Zainn, and I know he will have a bruise from it. But it doesn't help the growing fear that I'm starting to feel towards my mate.

"But why?!" I stutter as my voice shake, I feel my mate start to tremble in my arms.

"That's not something I can answer, but we need to stop whatever her plan is. Its not safe if she ever succeed, life as we know it might change leaving our world into total chaos.."

Its too much.. All of it is not something we expected. Its more complicated. And I am afraid on what her plan is, I can't let her get Zainn. I won't let her hurt my mate. My little Zainn... My love..

"I won't let her hurt you baby..." I whisper softly.

"I am with you in this war Trenton. I want to help you. If we all are going to be affected by everything that little wrench plans to do then as the Leader of the Council I can't just sit back and enjoy my self. I am coming, and I will gather all the help that I can get..." Rafael state as he stand up with a dark expression.

"If its what you want, then as the Alpha of my pack I'm giving you my permission." I reply as I stood on my feet, carrying my mate effortlessly in my arms. "Rafael I want to thank you--"

"You don't have to Trenton. I am doing this on my own and I'm happy to help you, especially now that you need it.."

I shake his hand firmly engulfing his small cold hands around my own. Then he and the witch disappear completely leaving us behind.

"Chester, Deathon I want the warriors ready. A war is coming and we need to be prepared this time. And this time I won't allow anyone to die.."

They nod their heads at me as they run outside. Nico and Kimmton are both have grim faces as they both go to the kitchen..

I brush my hands at Zainn's back. Softly patting him and letting him calm down. I can feel his tears wet my shirt, and my heart clenched painfully as he begin to sob at my chest.

Why did he have to suffer like this??

Why always him??!!
