Chapter 58: Maintenance (1)

After they had eaten and washed everything they had used, Sadie started to ask Lisa various questions on the list. She did so while following Lisa as they went to the maintenance building nearby. Sadie asked questions like Lisa’s real name, any organization affiliation, blood type, body specs., and other standard things you would find on a medical form.

Lisa answered some of the questions, but others she intentionally asked to be left blank. She couldn't let all of her secrets be spilled. Sadie did ask one question that Lisa had been wondering herself.

The question was as follows: [This question may remain confidential: Does the Fighter have any Augmentations, Inducements, or Alterations done on or in their body?]

"What do those three things pertain to exactly?" Lisa asked. She had never encountered a question as odd as this, at least not while in the future.