Chapter 66: Training

Zane finished up the last of the rabbit soup Lisa had warmed up in several quick gulps. He hadn't eaten since yesterday morning and his stomach ached nearly as bad as his wounds. Looking around at the desolate parking lot and rusting buildings he couldn't understand what Lisa had meant by, "work for her". It didn't look like there was all that much around here. Besides Lisa was the only person he had met around here.

Zane had several questions to ask Lisa, but before he could ask them, Lisa spoke first.

"Of course, I won't have you work right away. You need to heal first. I can tell you what I want from you later." Lisa replied a bit more relaxed sounding than before. "Soon the gangs as they are now, will be gone and things will be much more civil around here. I don't plan on living in a slum town in the middle of nowhere for much longer."

“What do you mean by gone?” Zane asked skeptically. “Do you actually think you, by yourself, could take on the gangs of this town?”