Chapter 91: Manager Under Pressure

Saul couldn't understand it, his best Fighter gone. Golem had utterly lost and was now dead at his feet. Golems body had been collected from the busted-up stage and covered up with a large sheet. Several fellow gang members had assisted with removing his huge bulk and even removed all the armor. Though he was a mute bodyguard for the boss and aggressive at times, he wasn’t exactly hated by the gang members.

"The Boss is going to fire me for this." Saul grumbled. "Why did you have to go and flake on me like that? Golem, turns out you were a waist of my time." He looked up at the gangsters around him. "Go burry him already. I got to go see the boss."

Turning to go, he then hurried off angrily. Ignoring the boos from the receding crowd he disappeared under the stands and headed down the hallway to the passages used solely by the gang. What he didn't expect to see was Jackson was already waiting for him.