Chapter 165: Sensors

“Wow, is that a holo-graphic projection of the full Mech’s specs?” Tom asked pointing at the blue image floating above the controls.

“Yep, it sure is and it can tell in real time what is wrong, damaged or in need of a tune up in real time.” Hanna answered. “Also, it can show its movements in real time.”

All three of the young teens had crammed into Gillian Mech and were excitedly going over whatever Hanna managed to pull up on the controls displays. Clair remained mostly silent as the two carried on the conversation. She had brought along a note pad and was doing her best to scrawl down some of the terms the two were spouting off to each other. This way she could do research later the parts she didn’t understand on her own.

“Show me the sensors you mentioned before. This is more than I expected!” Tom asked enthusiastically.

“Sure.” Hanna replied.