Lisa rolled her shoulders and bent her knees twice to get a better feel for her Advanced Armament: Stage Two. Now that the plates and joints were further apart and herself a bit larger in stature, she had to get reintroduced to the feeling of her enlarged form. However, this was not her first time being in this stage and quickly getting over the increased flow of energy, she turned her attention onto the baby Hoard Mother.
There were still a great number of Night Hounds and Logos Cutters crossing the dam, but they were no threat to her now. The baby Hoard Mother could sense this as well and it let out a slow, deep throated rumble. Oddly the smaller Twisted locked their legs and skidded to an immediate halt. They then proceeded to turn tail and go back the way they came. They didn’t stop running until they entered the woods and disappeared.
“Well, that makes things easier.” Lisa remarked aloud to no one in particular.