Chapter 235: Partake

Riding on Dixon’s hover bike made it far easier to catch up the fleeing townspeople. The path most of the people took was easy to follow because their footprints were easy to spot in the sandy ground and they rarely deviated from following alongside the river too. The sun was already well on its way to falling into sunset by the time he caught up with the slowest of the townspeople.

The first of the people they caught up to were made up of the elderly or sick. Their conditions were so bad that many of them had not even traveled out of sight of the town yet. Lagging far behind, be it due to abandonment or by choice, there was hardly any sight of the younger generations, save for a few assisting the elderly that struggled to move on their own. Seeing these old wrinkle souls hobbling and shuffling along in the slippery sand was a heart wrenching sight.