Chapter 246: Ashen

Lisa knew the fire was going to be dangerous and intense, but for the first time in a while she underestimated something and now things were getting further out of her control. First of all she didn’t anticipate the searing heat that the fire emitted. No one could get close enough to properly douse the fire with water buckets. Bucket after bucket of water only succeeded in momentarily wetting the tinder before the flames licked it away. In fact, it seemed to the hapless bucket brigade, that the water might as well as have evaporated before even reaching the flames.

The second reason was the persistent, intolerable, and suffocating smoke. This tar black smoke irritated every sense the bucket brigade volunteers had. Their meager cloth face covers did almost nothing to stave off the burning plastic stench, or prevent their eyes, nose, and mouths from drying out from the dry heat. This out-of-control fire was straight up kicking their senses in the metaphorical balls.