Chapter 9


"Just be careful dude. In as much you're smitten, she still is taken," came Sam's voice through the phone.

I was currently outside Raquel's building waiting for her by my car and heeding his warning, I've already hit a free fall.

"I told you, we're just friends," I sighed rubbing my temples.

"As much as you and Becca don't get along, you both have a habit of lying."

Sam has such a tendency of making unnecessary observations

But he's right. I am lying

Being a friend can only take me so far with her.

I saw her making her way towards me, the wind getting knocked out of me. Sam's words drowning out such that all I managed to say was.

"I gotta go," ended the call and made my way towards her. Wrapping my arms around her, feeling her plush body against me felt so good.

So right

Curves and all

"So Mr. Chauffeur where are you taking me?" she asked me once she stepped out of my arms.

"Follow me," I gestured towards my car.

"So all this time I thought you only had a motorcycle."

"I enjoyed our rides together." I replied shrugging my shoulders upon realizing, I used the excuse of not being able to ride my Harley to spend more time with her.

I opened the door for her and it felt good knowing my car will be filled with her scent.


The night air encased the environment and a calming sense was felt.

With the music in the air, conversation was flowing amongst the series of couples and friends sitting in booths and tables in the bar.

Staring at her, she appeared relaxed. Her cat like eyes exuded her sensuality along with her high cheekbones. Her curls were piled atop her head like a crown.

My Queen

Without much thought I reached out and untied her hair. She turned and looked at me, asking me silently so a question.

"I've never seen you with your hair down, relax more," I said. She smiled returning her attention back on stage.

"This place suits you."

Before I could respond as if reading my mind she continued," I mean it's so laid back. Even the people here in their ripped jeans and faded shirts. In as much I see you wearing a suit I take it, if you had it your way you'd rock a leather jacket and jeans any day. Instead of champagne you're more of a beer guy... its crazy but," she mumbled shaking her head before she glanced in my direction," you remind me a lot of someone."

I couldn't detect what look she was giving me, still her observation of me was accurate.

"I'm quite the opposite of what you're used to then." I chuckled nervously suddenly feeling self-conscious.


I looked away only to feel my heart lodge itself in my throat at her next statement.

"You're more."

In her Dolce and Gabbana mixed with a hint of Louis branding her. I was dying for her to wear my brand

"I wanna take you somewhere."


"How did you find this place?" Raquel asked referring to the cliff we were on that had a perfect view of the city lights. She stepped out of the vehicle and I followed right behind her taking the six pack I bought with me.

Taking a bottle I handed one towards her, she looked at it a bit unsure of whether or not to take it until I placed it in her hands.

"Have you ever drank beer before- those fancy wines and champagne you drink don't count."

"Answer my question first," she replied leaning against the hood of the car and waited expectantly. Taking a sip of my beer, I joined her at least maintaining a safe distance between us.

"One night, my mom and dad got into this huge fight," at the mention on my father, she perked up. In the time we spent together, she had told me of her struggles with her mother and sister. I had remained vague about my parents but she did know i was quite close with my brother but had problems with Rebecca.

"When I saw how badly he beat my mom one night... I really wanted to help her." I breathed," instead of being there all i did was walk away. I jumped in the car and just drove. That was my only outlet at the time. My family is rather dysfunctional," I sighed in frustration.

"He left but sometimes I wish I could have done more," I laughed to mask how painful it was reminiscing about the dark times and struggles.

I felt arms around my neck engulfing me in her warmth. Wrapping my arms around her waist, never had I felt so much peace and serenity.

I could die like this

"So I stopped here. I can curse, put out all my frustrations here. And it'll listen."

She gazed up at me, her eyes revealing all but none.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked tucking a curl behind her ear, ready to turn on the radio. Ready to not think about my past anymore.

I felt her pulling away but I tightened my hold around her waist. Grazing my hand across her cheek, she felt so delicate but given the struggles she's faced only she can pull off being strong simultaneously.

Moving down, my hands felt along her sides, I felt her sharp intake of air, moving my hands down to grip her hips. Dying to take as much as I could.

The gentleman in me has died

"Alex..." she mumbled. My hand, an agenda of its own found her curls. I tugged her head back, nipping the flesh where her shoulder and neck met.

She placed her hands against my chest, hooded eyes set on my lips despite the shadow across her face.

Inch by inch

Heaven an inch away

I've never hated technology until the ringing of her phone snapped ruined the moment. What I feared occurred before my eyes as she jumped out of my arms.

"Hey Terrance," she said once she answered the phone.

I wish I could rip any connections between the angel and the devil

Her eyes remained on me, before she turned away, I can't tell what the conversation was till she said," Sure I'm on my way."

Don't go

"Can you take me home?" she didn't wait to hear my answer and went into car, no further words exchanged.