Chapter 19


The last time I was here, it had been due to finding my sister facing the rage of her baby's father. If that time had yet to raise any form of a conclusion in me, I hate hospitals.

Even as I lay here bruised up with stitches in my skin from the stab sounds, I still hate hospitals. The reality of the situation came at me fast, almost as quick as the motion of the knife Ray used on me.

One minute I was helping Rebecca get her things, the next I found myself in an ambulance hearing hysterical cries in the background.

My body felt exhausted yet somehow I felt I wasn't in it and my siblings bickering back and forth would have been annoying on any given day if I wasn't so caught up in processing this.

This trying to save everyone is getting old real fast

My mother had remained quiet the whole time, her gaze had remained on me after she came raising hell to see me. I would laugh recalling her threats to the nurse when told to calm down.