Changes and the 'master' plan

Days passed, but, nothing changed much for everyone, except for Shanaya. She starts staying at Rathore Mansion and, whenever she would be at her flat, someone would be there with her during the night.

Everyone close to her noticed changes in her, but all they could do was ask and, most of them did it. But, none of them got a satisfactory answer from her.

Sitting in his office, Vihaan was busy in his work when his thoughts went to Shanaya and, he stopped working.

Supporting his head with the chair, he closed his eyes and, start going through the flashes of her. The changes in her were affecting him and, what caused him trouble was, no one was able to find out the reason behind her bitchy attitude.

To link her bad behaviour with her getting the job with Rathore's was not a good reason, for they knew she was not one of those who would change herself just because of a job. Vihaan knew the matter was big.