Lil fiesty girl

Busy in his office work, planning for the anniversary party, Vihaan had just enough time to know, someone Avni and Vansh know, to be precise, their friend who was also supposed to be fashion designer, as well as event manager, was going to come to the Mansion on both of their invitations.

To add more to it, he had been informed by Avni that she had asked the same friend to organise for the party so that everyone can see her work since Avni wants her wedding to be planned by her.

Vihaan was furious! He could not even tolerate the idea of someone else deciding for his sister marriage, but not like he did not have a plan.

Finally, both of them had concluded, Vihaan had the final call to make, as if, if the person was good enough.

In the midst of all, he never asked for the name, all, he knew was, the person was a female and, she was to arrive within two-three days. It would be lying to say Vihaan was not curious to know the person.