The third condition

"Our marriage is supposed to be a secret... hmmm?" not believing it for even a second, Vihaan bends a little forward, diminishing the already exit distance between them.

He was not going to lose her, just because she wanted to have fun!

Yes, she could have all the fun she wanted, but not like these.

On top of that, he was not ready to believe she was adamant about it.

But she was.

"Yes," backing away a little, Shana was determined.

But her determination went to drink water when she felt Vihaan's right index finger under her chin and found her eyes meeting with the silent but seducing eyes of Vihaan.

Wait, what?

Vihaan was trying to seduce Shana? It was really something new.

"And, May I know the reason for it? " looking deep in her eyes, looking for an answer, Vihaan enquired while stroking her chin with the same finger.

Oh yes, he was going to handle it in his 'charismatic' way.