A Challenge

Inside the library…

After Luna left the three princes, Leo immediately flicked their foreheads as punishment.

"It's the first day of school yet you're already causing trouble." he hissed. "Didn't second sister-in-law already tell you not to cause trouble at school?"

"How was that my fault? She started it! I wanted that book and I wanted it first! She just had to-" Peter was unable to finish his sentence since Leo flicked him in the forehead once more.

"Idiot. This is not the palace. You can't just be very willful here."

"I am a prince of this empire!"

"Really an idiot. How did my older brother get a son like you?" Leo shook his head in disbelief. "Listen here you two. The academy has a lot of students from different backgrounds and has different personalities as well. Just because you're members of the imperial family, that doesn't mean you can just underestimate them."

"Tch! Too troublesome!"

"Especially that girl."

"That one from the magic arts department? Why are you-"

"Listen Peter. Your father has already warned us. Even back then, our late-father, your grandfather, had always warned us, never mess with people from the Celestine Territory." Leo warned. "In the Imperial Academy we're just learning how to deal with monsters but those people had already faced and killed countless of monsters in that monster-infested land. In terms of skills and experience, they're definitely ahead of us."

"What is there to be afraid of anyway?" Peter asked.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? The best example would be Sebastian and Zach! They had trained there under the tutelage of the Archduchess. Aren't the two of them really strong?"

"I suppose you're right."

"Anyway, just don't cause any trouble. Kai, keep an eye on Peter, okay?"

"I'll do my best." Kai replied meekly.

Leo's words kept replaying in Kai's mind.

-But that girl, she's the first person to touch my hair. Is it because she's already too strong to be scared of the Fox's Curse?


I looked at the newcomer skeptically.

"Ah, it seems like you don't really remember me." he said and sighed. "It can't be helped. I saw you not paying any attention to class a while ago anyway. I should've just expected it already."

He flashed a smile and unlike his light bronze skin, his even teeth were pearly white.

"My name is Bernard Thesax from the Dahar Province! I'm a student of the Engineering Department and I'm its fifth rank during the entrance exam! I specialize in blacksmithing and in the future I will make gears that will make this country prosper!"

"Oh, I see. So you're in Class 1-S as well. Nice to meet you." I said and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Bernard shook my hand with a big smile.

"Bernard, you don't mind being our friend right?" asked Andrea.

"Of course not! I am very glad to meet Andrea and Thomas. Also, I have been interested in Luna and the Celestine Territory so I am very glad in becoming your friend."

"At least now someone can keep an eye on Luna during the morning classes." Thomas said which earned a confused look from me.

"What do you mean Thomas?" asked Bernard.

"Andrea and I are in different sections so we can't really keep an eye on her. At least now you can."

"You guys make me sound like a troublemaker." I commented.

""You aren't?"" questioned the two of the closest people I had in the academy.

"Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence guys." I replied sarcastically.

"Well, I'll keep an eye on her then."

"Bernard, not you too."

"You can trust on me!" Bernard tapped his chest with a fist. Although his thumb, index finger and middle finger were jutted out like it was some sort of unknown sign.

"Bernard, what does that mean?" I asked, pointing at his finger.

"Oh, it's a sign… I created." I noticed the hesitation in his voice. "Anyway, only a few knows what it means and I'm looking for those who do. Don't mind it."

We just nodded our heads in understanding and decided to head to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Speaking of friends." Bernard interrupted. "Aren't you close with Kai li Syna?"

"Huh? I just met him today." I answered.

"But why did you touch his hair?"

"I just… want to?"

Unfortunately, my actions back in the classroom seemed like a big deal for Thomas and Andrea.

""You did what?""


"Kai… He's- he's the emperor's nephew!" Andrea almost yelled. "Yet you casually touched his head? Were you trying to get executed or something?"

"I don't think the imperial family members are that irrational to execute someone who only touched their head, Andrea." I said.

"But isn't he under the Fox's Curse?" she asked.

There was that term again; Fox's Curse.

"What's the Fox's Curse?" I asked.

Before Andrea could even launch to an explanation which I was very sure to have a very in depth description and opinion, we were interrupted by a familiar figure.

"Luna Hysi! I challenge you to a duel!"

The one who issued the challenge was no other than Freya von Berialis. Behind her were her followers and one of them was the Torii-look alike, Linda von Chrishni. She was Nina's younger sister.

"It's just the first day Freya, why the rush?" I asked.

"I can't believe a commoner like you became the first rank of the magic arts entrance exam!" she yelled.

"Lady Freya is right." added Linda. "She had always been a prodigy in magic arts since she was a child. It doesn't make sense that someone like you is better than her!"

I only sighed. I did not want to make any trouble during my stay in the Imperial Academy. It was no longer my fault if they were the ones asking trouble, right?

"Look, I just took the exam, that's it." I defended.

"During the practical lessons this afternoon, I will show you your place!" Freya announced and walked away.

"Am I right to assume that I can beat her up?" I asked my friends.

"Oh my gosh no! No matter how much of a brat Lady Freya is, she's still the daughter of a marquise. You'll get into trouble for that!" Andrea answered.

"But she provoked me first. My aunt told me to never back down."

"And she also told you to choose your battles." Thomas immediately reminded me.


"Just try not to go overboard?" Thomas said. "We won't be there to keep an eye on you or to stop you."


"You were taught by your aunt never to be reckless. Please don't create any trouble." Thomas pleaded. "My father already asked me about it as well."

"As expected of childhood friends." Bernard commented.

I just shook my head. I wasn't planning to go to the extreme, but that girl needed to be taught a lesson.

After lunch were the specialization classes. This meant, only those from the same department, course and year would be undergoing the class together. According to my schedule Mondays to Wednesdays first period was Magic Theories and the second period was Practical Lessons. On Thursdays to Fridays, our first period was Magic History and the second period is still Practical Lessons. Each subject had to be taught for an hour. Since it was Monday, I had to head to Magic Theories first.

In Magic Theories, we were taught the importance of magic circles and how to create one as well. Well, we were only being introduced to it since it was the first day. The class only had twenty-four students so I was wondering where the others went since there were fifty battle mage first years in the magic arts department. It turned out those missing twenty-six students had taken the practical lessons first.

"Essentially, magic circles hold a big role in casting magic. That is where mages like us focus our energy and cast the spell." said our instructor for the subject, Professor Hyfa. "For this school year, we will get ourselves familiar with different kinds of magic circles and the theories behind them."

Well, the class essentially went on like that. Once the hour was up, we were guided to another classroom. Unlike the lecture room of the magic theories, the classroom for practical lessons looked a lot like a training area. There were no chairs or desks, only a big space.

"Welcome to practical lessons first years! My name is Kate Noria! I will teach you how to apply the theories you learned in magic theories and help you become outstanding battle mages!" our instructor had short violet hair and amber eyes which were filled with fire. Figuratively speaking.

"To start our lesson, why don't we gauge out your abilities!" she added. "And the best way to do that is a one-on-one battle! Any volunteers?"

I sighed. I already had an idea where the situation was going.

"Professor!" called Linda. "Why not have the first rank and second rank of the entrance exam face off each other?"

When I look back to it, I never did meet Linda during the burial of the former Earl Chrishni.

"Oho? That's a good idea." Professor Noria gave off an eerie smile. "Freya von Berialis and Luna Hysi, please proceed to the front."

I sighed once again. It was just the first day of school and yet I already experienced many things.


Hello readers! Just so you know, I do read the reviews and I felt really touched and thankful when I did. Thank you so much for supporting and reading this story. I dedicate this chapter to all of you!

