Aunt Zaira Learns My Secret

After revealing who I was to Aunt Zaira she sent me out. I was very confused and I was wondering what was up with the sudden waterworks. I did not even have the chance of giving Bernard’s note to her and I also did not see her in the next few days.

Confused was probably an understatement to what I was feeling.

The first week of winter break passed by quickly. I was mostly at home, thinking about the last time I saw Aunt Zaira. Other than that, I spent my time practicing the abilities I unlocked with acquiring my fox core and doing my assignments. Sometimes, I would practice with Thomas or hang out with my friends. Bernard asked me every time we met up if I already gave the letter to my aunt and my answer was always:

“She’s very busy right now. I still can’t find a good timing to talk to her about it.”

“I see. I’ll just wait.”

I could hear and see Bernard’s disappointment at my answer, but there was really nothing I could do if I couldn’t even meet her the past few days.