Quite Something

Remembering the scene when Professor Tresde locked the metal belts on mine and Freya’s waists actually made me a little angry and annoyed.

-How is this fair?!

And I wasn’t the only one pissed.

The chain that bound me and Freya was about two meters in length. Enough to ensure that we were at each other’s sight at most times. Still though, it was uncomfortable. I could imagine how much of a disaster it would be if we ever face a dangerous monster.

“Let’s just get this over with.” I grumbled at the fuming wind mage. “Three days is not that long. At least we can stand each other’s presence at least that much.”


We looked at the map provided to us. It showed the sector of the island where our exam was held. It was safe to say the monsters we were about to hunt were also roaming around the same area.

“”Let’s go this way.””