The Grand Academy Games - Obstacle Course

The day had finally come. The first day of the Grand Academy Games had arrived and a parade was planned to showcase the participants from the different schools and countries. Of course, before we could proceed to the planned welcoming ceremony, all eight teams, each with seven participants, had to go through an obstacle course.

The entire city was modified with the use of magic and we had to go through the obstacle to get to the end.

The obstacle course event was not part of the G.A. Games events but it was how the sequence and number representation would be decided.

My team and I were at the starting line, in the North Gate together with the participants from Ice Palace Academy of Nephir Kingdom from the Northern Continent.

I knew it was important to focus in the incoming event, but my mind was plagued with my meeting with Andrei. The names he told me lingered in my mind; Hilda Hysi and Spirit Ball.