Kai’s Resolve

In a vast plain, bodies laid on the ground soaked with blood. No, it would be more appropriate to call them corpses rather than bodies in general. Bodies would mean some of them were actually alive, but that wasn’t the case.

In the distance, a black cloud gathered and if one was to look carefully, monsters and demons of different species and variety were awaiting their orders.

On the other hand, a lone figure stood in the middle of the corpses. His snow white hair stood out despite the splotches of blood on it. His form was shivering and his eyes were fixed to a few of the bodies, the lifeless bodies of his friends and comrades.

This figure was Kai li Syna, the Prince Royal of Praiji Empire and Crown Prince of Syna Kingdom, no, it would be more appropriate to actually no longer call him with those titles, after all the two nations, and most of the countries in Afasia, were nothing more than wastelands. The war took its toll on both the land and its people.