Out of My Mind

Moments after Luna stormed out of the Celestine Manor…

“You’re an idiot.” Archduchess Zaira grimaced and then sighed at Kai’s figure that was sporting a bewildered yet guilty look.

“What’s that supposed to mean? And you’re pretty rude to someone who’s a member of the imperial family.” Kai replied.

“Are you sure you were given memories of a parallel world and not having your mind encroached by some weird power?” she retorted, her voice low. “You must’ve forgotten I’m this empire’s guardian. I’ve raised Praiji’s leaders since the time of its founding. You’re the one who’s awfully rude now.”

Kai, who seemed to have realized what he just said, could only look away and not say anything. He saw Zaira sigh and shake her head.

“I don’t know why you did that or what compelled you to actually pull such a move but you do realize you two like each other?”

“I beg your pardon?” Kai’s eyes were as wide as saucers when he heard her words.