Demon Army and a Battlefield

“How is the evacuation going?” I heard Aunt Zaira ask someone.

“We have evacuated most of the residents of the city. Those who are in Anatoli Stadium are being transported to a safe camp as we speak.”

“Good. And the military?”

“They have been mobilized and have surrounded the city.”

“Put more soldiers in the southern gate just in case.”

“Yes your excellency!”

I heard footsteps and it stopped just behind me.

“How is it Luna, have you traced them?”

I opened my eyes and shook my head. I then said; “No, I couldn’t find anything.”

After she ordered the evacuation of the city, Aunt Zaira asked me to locate whoever was powering up the Transport Gate, which meant I need to find that dark room where eight cloaked mages were doing a ritual around a mini-sized Azte City.

Unfortunately, those mages had eluded me; I couldn’t find where they are. I’m pretty sure they were somewhere in the city though, they had to be since they were casting a spell in it.