The Space Between Us

Elthesia looked at me skeptically, eyeing me from head to toe.

“What?” I questioned, a little uncomfortable at her stare.

“And how will you achieve that exactly? Won’t you be a little busy? You have studies, training and all. How will you have time to search and collect for your tails?” she asked pointedly.

“I’ll get there. I will graduate and become stronger than I am now. Strong enough that this body will not break once it receives my tails. And then I will hunt for my tails and face my foes.”

“It’ll take too long. If you stick to studying in the Imperial Academy to become strong, it’ll take too long.”

“No. I’ll train any moment I have.”

She suddenly sighed and shook her head. Disbelief? Disappointment? I wasn’t really sure.

“What if there is a faster way for you to become strong? A faster way for you to collect your tails? A faster way for you to become a Colored Monarch? But in return, you’ll have to leave the life you currently have?”