A Quest in Muspel Island

Training under those who were called gods in their world was brutal, especially when I had a mortal body, and later on a semi-mortal body. Ares, one of the foreign gods, called my training as Spartan.

“I’ll let you taste what it feels to be in Sparta!” he roared on the first day of our training and attacked me relentlessly. He became my main trainer in hand-to-hand combat.

As for my swordplay, there was Susanoo no Mikoto, who used to the Japanese god of the sea and storms, as well as Apolaki, who used to be the Tagalog god of the sun and warriors. They were good at using the swords, and Apolaki was a dual wielder which fit my sword style.

As for my powers, most of my trainers let me incorporate them to my moves. Basically, training my body to get stronger would let me be able to handle my powers better.

The method was kind of the same as Elthesia’s.