The Island of the Giants

I entered the doors rather skeptical. One thing I found out during my stay in Avalon Isles was that to never take everything as it is and trust your instincts. All the time. It’s usually right.

Now I wasn’t feeling any danger once I stepped inside the door, no, I just found it a little, strange. Especially with the man glowing gold in the middle of the room. In my experience, those that are glowing were neither good nor bad, but it’s not a bad idea to walk on eggshells around them.

I never really met the man in my godhood days. I was told he had always liked his peace, watching over whoever and whatever it is he usually watched over. He liked company once in a while but he did not want anyone disturbing him whenever he had his closed-door training.

-I shouldn’t have agreed to this.

But I was already there and the door opened on its own accord, which meant Buddha was welcoming me and was not disturbing his meditation.

-Or he’s inviting you inside to obliterate you.