Making a Point!

In the next five years, Andrea, Bernard, Charles, Freya, Kai, Peter, Thomas and Trent juggled their lives between training in the Dark Palace, doing missions, school and their regular lives. They trained for two straight years, quite longer than the usual Dark Palace agent of one year, and started doing missions since then.

The eight became known as the Red Squad in the Dark Palace. Nobody knew who they really were apart from their mentors and Zaira, and they received direct orders from the archduchess herself.

Trent, being two years their senior, graduated before them and he was sent to train and work full-time while waiting for the others to graduate.

Throughout the years, they made drastic changes and improvements, and even revealed secrets. Kai revealed having memories from an alternate future, Freya admitted having four other personalities, Bernard told them about being a reincarnator, etc. Thus, making them closer.

Yes, even Freya.