“Bernard’s got a boyfriend?” I questioned, my mouth agape at the information I was given.

“After telling you a very long tale that’s the only thing you got from all that?” Bernard sarcastically shot back.

“Uhm, Kai’s the Blue Monarch, Peter decided to follow Kai, Freya defied her father, Charles was kicked out from his family, Andrea’s parents moved to the Celestine Territory, Andrei left his kingdom and Trent is from a long line of knights whose ancestry can be traced back way before the first demon war.” Thomas pointed out with a skeptical look.

“I heard that but I’m more shocked about someone dating geeky Bernard, and it’s a man at that.” I replied, holding back a chuckle.

To be honest I was very surprised with the story they just told me. My sister somehow roped them into this mess and they chose to leave their homes and everyone they loved just to come aid me. I mean, it wasn’t even set in stone yet but they were willing to help me be the Red Sovereign!