Versus The Pirate King...?

I traversed the path that led towards the enormous castle. Just like its name, the Red Moon Castle had the color scheme of shades of red; from the roofs to a few sections of the castle walls and even the flaglets. Its pillars were white, but it was outlined with a red shiny substance that it glinted under the moonlight. The entire garden at its front is a sea of red spider lilies. Ironically, the entire view looked majestic, almost otherworldly even.

In Afasia red spider lilies are a symbol of death. They were believed to have originated in the Netherworld, the realm of the dead. In the mortal realm, they are believed to grow where someone died, violently at that, and it blooms when it’s watered by blood, hence the color.

But then again, Athena debunked the entire thing a while ago so…