
"We can't find her" David said panting as he bursts to the opening were they were sitting.

"What do you mean?" Hailey said standing up in a defensive manner.

"We've searched the direction she went but we can't find her it's like she disappeared" Etim said breathing ragged breaths.

"Who disappeared?" Jewel had reappeared from wherever it was she went.

Everyone grew silent as the atmosphere became awkward again.

"I know I didn't stutter"

"Its cally, we can't find her" Etim said with increasing urgency.

"What do you mean you can't find her?" She gritted her teeth as she spoke.

"It means she disappeared" David said obviously irritated.

"Then we gotta go find her" she threw her backpack over her shoulder and started going the same direction as Cally had gone.

"I don't think you heard them, they said they've searched there already" D.F said walking beside me as she said the words ever so gently.

"Yeah well i am gonna check again, you guys can stay here if you like but I'm not gonna stay here if I think she might be in danger" she just kept walking and they didn't reply but they all followed her.

D.F started yelling out her name hoping she would hear and follow the voice but after searching for more than an hour it was clear she wasn't lost but had been abducted and soon jewel had to voice out what everyone was thinking "she was taken" was simply all she said but she didn't need to say more.

We simply stopped and started setting up camp silently "we'll need to think of a plan to find her tomorrow"

"I agree we have to be careful if it's the tenebrans that got her" David was pacing around now nervously and mokini seemed to notice too so sh went over to him and started rubbing against him.

While they set up camp they barely talked to each other and they all laid down but no one could sleep.

When it was a bit after midnight etim got up and sat by the fire to think and that was when he heard something. Like someone had stepped on a twig he immediately brought out his sword and said "who's there?"

Well of course no one answered and after a while of maintaining his stance he finally sat back down.

And after about an hour he went back to sleep.


In the morning jewel was the first up. She started packing and after a while the rest of them got up and started packing too.

There was an uneasy feeling in the air like someone was holding their breath so something bad wouldn't happen.

Someone was watching them.

But when they realized it was already too late because they were now surrounded by more than a dozen tenebran soldiers who had guns trained on them.

They all raised their hands up in surrender.

A men walked forward from behind the soldiers.

"It seems we have you now Don't we?"

"Hello fronibe" jewel said rolling her eyes.

"Hello jewel"

The others were confused as to where she knew this menacing man from.

"It would be best if you just follow us quietly" he rubbed the scar on his right cheek.

"I see your cheek healed up really well" jewel grinned and he clenched his fists.

He took a deep breath before answering "oh it healed up really well... But what I'm gonna do to you I don't think will heal" his smile sent shivers through the air.

Mokini started growling and before anyone could calm her down she lunged for fronibe and he shot her.

Suddenly rebby yelled "cover your ears", barely had they had time to register the command she let out an ear-splitting scream which sent all the tenebrans flying backwards.


"But what about mokini" D.F yelled cause she still couldn't hear well.

"I don't know we'll come back for her, but we've gotta go" David pulled her away from mokini.

And then Hailey did something almost impossible she bent over and picked mokini up like she weighed nothing more than a piece of paper and said "well what are you waiting for run"

They all didn't need to be told twice as they started running as fast as they could and after putting some space between them and the tenebrans they stopped to catch there breath and Hailey put mokini down as D.F rushed to her side.

"Hailey how did you do that?" Etim asked mind blown.

"I don't know I can't explain it it's like I just knew that I had to do it"

"Yeah it was the same thing when I first got my Sonic scream" rebby pitched in.

"We need a solid plan if we're gonna get Cally" David started.

"I've got it" jewel stepped forward "I say we follow them and find out wherever they have Cally and then we attack when it's night"

"Sounds good to me" etim said

And the girls shrugged in agreement.

"No mokini Don't say that you are gonna be fine okay" all attention turned to D.F who was kneeling next to mokini close to tears as she tried to apply pressure on the bullet wound.

"I won't let you...I won't..."but Mokini seemed to have given up as she let out a deep breath the tears started rolling out of D.F's eyes as she yelled "no mokini... stay with me... Stay with...stay"

She was sobbing now and rebby put her arms around her to try to comfort her. But she still had her hand over the wound and as she cried her hands began to glow but she didn't notice.

And after a while mokini opened her eyes again and licked D.F's face.

"Mokini, I'm so glad you are okay"

"Did D.F just heal her?" Jewel said.


"Wait I did?"

"Yes you did"

Cally's POV,

I've been sitting in this make shift prison for over 12hours now and my legs are starting to get tired. I get up to stretch and decide to make fun of my jailers.

"Hey scrawny one, um could I get a cup of hot chocolate"

He doesn't answer

"Okay no... Okay then what about you bald one"

He doesn't answer either.

"Oh come on , I know I'm not invisible it's just hot chocolate"

"Pretty please with sprinkles and cherries on top" I give them my best puppy do eyes but they don't even look at me.

"Oh forget it" I sit back down "well can you at least tell me what the time says"

Neither of them budge.

"Oh whatever" I sit and turn my back to them.

That's when I hear the sound of gunshots and commands.

I quickly turn around and I see that my guards noticed too they bolt out of the door to try to stop the Invaders.

But soon there is an ear-splitting noise ,which I recognize as rebby's Sonic scream, and then silence.

"Where is she?" I hear David ask.

I start shouting "in here... I'm in here"

And sure enough they burst in to free me.

"Oh thank goodness you're here"

"We need to move fast and get you out of here i heard them call for back up" David said guarding the entrance.

Hailey walked up to my cage and hold the lock for a few seconds before it crumbles and she let's me out "woah how did you do that?"

"We'll catch you up later but for now we need to move" we started for the entrance of the cave and that's when I notice it's already night.

We run out of the cave and started for the woods under the cover of the night and after putting a considerable amount of distance between us and the cave we stop to catch our breath and set up camp.

We all take turns keeping watch while the others sleep and I volunteered to go first.

I sit next to the fire thinking about the events of the day not noticing that jewel had sat next to me she cleared her throat to catch my attention and I say "hey"




"It's okay you go first"

"It's okay you go first"

We both burst out laughing and it's the first time in a long time that I've seen her laugh that way but it didn't last long as she quickly went back to her expressionless face.

"I just wanted to say sorry for the stuffs I said I guess I just kind of imagined that things just continued to be easy for you guys on Earth while i had to deal with torture from tenebrans and all" I could tell from her expression that her time in tenebras was a touchy subject for her.

"I'm sorry too you couldn't possibly have known so I shouldn't have been so hard with my words"

We both sat in silence for a while again



We laugh again.

"So all is forgiven right"

"Yup totally forgiven"


"It's my turn to keep watch you can go to bed now" she starts poking the fire with a stick.

"Okay good night"

"Good night... Oh and Cally Don't Tell the others about this"

"It's fine... I won't"

And with that I went to bed


Okay so I think I'm gonna be doing different point of views now.

Comment what you think

