It's him..!!!

"I am sorry ma'am but I cannot let you in without the letter." The security personnel pulled out his poker face.

"WHAT THE FUDGE!" Anna said to herself. "What is wrong with you Ann. You were so busy with imagining your 'Perfect first day' that you forgot to keep the documents that were required to make it so. Ahhh, Mom would be so mad at me. Should I call dad?" She couldn't think of a way out of this situation.

"Good Morning Mark." a mellow voice called from a distance.

"Good Morning Sir." a welcoming smile appeared on the guard's face.

"Mark, That's a nice name. Mark please help me out. I don't want to go back now. I promise I will bring and show you the letter tomorrow." Anna looked at Mark, a pleading look in her eyes, and hoped that he got her telepathic message.

"Hey Anna! It's good to see you here." someone said cheerfully, capturing Anna's attention.

"Wait. Is that?" She turned around and saw a fairly tall man, dressed up in formal wear, waiting for her to recognize him.

"Hey Todd! It's nice to see you too." She replied in a restless tone.

Todd Barnes, is a good-old friend, four years older in age and also an ex-neighbour of her. He used to tease her like a friend and support her like an elder brother. He often helped Anna in her assignments and in return, had asked her to write love letters for him. Later, Todd moved out, from his parent's house, to live independently while Anna entered college.

"Is everything alright?" his voice was filled with concern.

"No, not actually." She averted her eyes.

"As expected from Anna" he giggled.

"Can we please not do this right now" Anna was too annoyed by the time.

"Oh okay..tell me... What is it?" He enquired while suppressing his desire to laugh.

"Today is my first day and I forgot to bring my appointment letter," she scratched her neck.

"Gosh!!!! How can you forget something so important Ann..." He frowned.

"Yeah..that was so helpful of you Todd. I am glad." She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she was in a no-nonsense mood now.

The frowned expressions on Todd's face deformed and he started laughing. "You are still the same Ann.." he pinched her nose lightly.

"And that still hurts " she complained while rubbing her nose.

He was still giggling at her. "Don't worry "he mumbled and turned to the security personnel, who was busy watching the show. "Mr. Steven" he called firmly.

"Yes Sir"

"Please make an entry for her in my name and give her the visitor's pass for today. She will show you the letter tomorrow."

"Okay Sir" he nodded and went to get the pass.

"Happy now?" He lifted one of his eyebrows, giving a self-satisfied smirk.

"VERY" she grinned from eye-to-eye.

"Good. Follow me now." He started walking. "Hey wait! My pass" she shouted but he didn't stop. She went to the security personnel to collect her pass. "Thank You" she bowed and ran to catch up with him.

"Thank you, Teddy. I was really worried about this". She use to call him Teddy whenever she was happy with him.

"Don't mention that" he gave her a reassuring smile.

The two of them entered the building while talking. "So do you know where you have to report?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have to go to the head of the Production Department".

"That means you have to go to the second floor," he said.

"I guess so." They reached the elevator. Todd pressed the button for the same and waited for it.

"So Ann… Don't get nervous okay... just stay calm and do the job". He switched the role of the protective big brother.

"Yes SIR!" She emphasized on 'sir' to tease him.

*Elevator arrives*

They both entered the lift. "For how long have you been working in this company Teddy?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Long enough for you to start calling me sir and start showing some respect." he furrowed his eyebrows and deepened his voice.

Anna was taken aback. "Sorry Sir" She fixed her eyes on the ground out of embarrassment.

*Dead silence in the elevator*

"Look at your face Ann..." He busted out suddenly. Anna was again startled by his behavior and she gave him a 'What is happening?' look.

"Aww... little Annieee. You got so scared."

"That too from me."

"This feels so good." He starts teasing her.

"Yeah, you got me" she scoffed.

***2nd floor***

The elevator's door opened with one swift movement uncovering a whole new world. "All the best Miss Anna. Will see you soon." He said while adjusting his tie and hair while Anna was looking at the premises with unusually big eyes.

"Eh.. Ann.. you still with me?" He looked at her worriedly.

She blinked her eyes abnormally "Yeah… Teddy… no...I mean Sir." He was still looking at her with worried expressions but he continued anyway. "Okay then..see you soon". he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Yes. Have a nice day Teddy." She smiled at him fondly.

"All the best my sweet little Ann." He smiled back and then left.

"Okay..let's see where I am supposed to go now." She said to herself. She looked around to find someone whom she can ask where she has to report when she suddenly heard a familiar and a very special voice.

"Hey Anna..!! You are finally here." The person hugged her from the back.

"Yes I am here but this is an office and it's my first day. I don't want people to see us hugging like this." She whined while struggling to break the hug.

"Who cares about them?... I don't..and you shouldn't either" the person answered.

"I don't usually… but I don't want them to feel jealous about both of us, and besides.. we are paid for work and not for hugging our besty, silly" Anna broke the hug and turned around to face the person.

It was Alira Campbell, her best friend. they both are almost of same age. people used to mistook them as sisters as they looked too familiar.

"Why are you so funny Ann," she said sarcastically.

"Probably because of you Dumbo." She grinned at her.

"Okay... keep everything aside and tell me how do you know the Head of HR?" Alira was intrigued.

"Head? Who?" Anna gave her a confused look.

"The one who got off from the lift with you. He is the head. You two were talking so casually I thought you knew each other". Alira replied.

"Oh! Yeah I know him" Anna nodded her head slightly.

"But you never mentioned him to me," Alira again got intrigued.

"About that-" Anna was interrupted.

"Miss Alira, Why are you here?" A sweet, equally smooth yet angry sound caught her attention. Both of them looked in the direction from where that voice came.

It was Jack Robinson. "Are you kidding me? The meeting is about to start and you are standing here!" he sounded displeased. Suddenly his eyes went to Anna and he stopped speaking. He was looking at her without blinking. Anna got startled and couldn't think of what to do.

"See at this point, you have to tell your name." He remarked while looking her square in her eyes.

"Yeah… Um.. Sorry! My name is Anna Carmeil and I joined today."

"Which department?" He was in a hurry.

"Production Department" she cleared her throat and answered.

"I am the head of the Production Department. And you are supposed to be in the meeting now. So be quick" he commanded.

"Meeting!!" Anna was left dumbfounded.

"Don't worry. You will get to know everything there. Just start moving. The CEO is attending the meeting today so we can't afford to be late." He was behaving as if had no time to waste.

"Yes sir… We are leaving now." Alira held her hand and dragged her along.

"Is this man normal??" She asked Alira.

"He is a very sweet person Ann. Don't jump on any judgments so soon. He is under a great pressure right now." She answered sweetly.

They both reached the meeting room. "So this is the place," Anna said while entering the meeting room.

"Come. Sit here..." Alira pointed at a seat besides her.

The room was almost full. Anna was looking at all the new faces. Alira was talking to the person sitting at another side of her.

***Footsteps approaching***

The room instantly became silent. The door opened and someone entered. Everyone stood up simultaneously so Anna also had to get up from her seat. She couldn't exactly see who the person was but she had the idea about the designation of the person.

"He is the CEO Ann." Alira bend to whisper in her ear.

"OH. So I must take a clear look. Get aside babe.." she shoved Alira with her hand in order to take a look at the CEO.

As soon as her eyes landed on the CEO, she was stunned. A sudden sense of coldness took over while her body stiffened as if bitten by a venomous snake. Tears started welling up in her eyes while she struggled for air.

"Sit down Anna." Alira tucked her shirt.

Jack Robinson stood up and greeted everyone. He then started with the meeting. Anna couldn't concentrate. Her eyes were fixed on him. She felt something heavy in her throat. She grabbed Alira's hand.

"It's him," she said.

Alira looked at her and got scared." Who's who? Are you okay Ann?" She whispered.

"He is... He is the one.." she was about to cry. Her throat was getting heavier.

"What's wrong Anna?? Tell me... you are

scaring me like this." Alira pressed Anna's hand reassuringly.

A tear rolled down Anna's cheek,