Under Editing (warning)

(I wrote this before I made the changes 'under editing' haha!)


Hello, Dear Reader!

In this week there will be no new chapter.

I am managing the story into something new, and I plan to finish it within a week.

In other words: Great possibility of having a new chapter in the next Monday!


I have always been trying to create perfect characters. Because I have always, always tried... to be perfect. To perfect myself. But I'm realizing... that no matter how much I try... I don't need to be perfect. And that trying my best was a compensation for my fear of never being enough.

I don't need to be enough. I don't want to be enough. I don't need to be perfect. And I don't want to.

I'm imperfect, and, for Universe's sake, I LOVE BEING IMPERFECT!

I don't need to criticize myself anymore... I don't deserve that.

Trying to become something else than me throughout my whole life has made me... devoid of my own self. And now I realize that everything I need it... is to have the courage to let myself be myself. To let myself become who I truly am.

To have the courage... to be who I am.

Who am I? What am I doing in this planet? Why was I born?

These questions have been haunting me.

But I realized that... I was the only one who never let myself be myself. Because I was afraid of being rejected... again.

I think I'm still allowing the scars of my past to have power over me.


I want to be myself! I want to be accepted for who I am! I wanted to be loved for WHO I AM.

I wish that the only one who I will expect approval from is ME. Because MY opinion over myself MATTERS!

I literally can't live without of me, LOL. I can't get away from me, LOL!

At least, me, that is who I live with, should be someone BRILLIANT AND LOVING to share a life with!

So I want to love myself more, I want to accept myself more, and I HAVE the courage to shine for who I am!

I love you, myself. Not in an egotistical way. But in that special way when I recognize that I am gifted for being me.

Everyone is special. Everyone is unique. I yearn to recognize my own uniqueness and not reject it anymore!


GOSH, I DON'T KNOW YOUR NAME! My parents gave you the name you have!! It isn't about you! It is only about what your parents liked!

So I'm thinking of a name to call you, still, yes! But for now... accept that, even though I don't know your name...

I love you. Even without a name.

Your existence is wonderful. The world needs it.

Keep shining. Keep moving forward.

I love you, me.

And I love you too, Dear Reader.

Thank you for listening to my... outflow? I don't know how to call this.

Basically, I'm accepting my dark sides now. I literally have the power to shine or to dim.

And I don't want to only use half of my power!! I WILL USE MY POWER TO DIM TOO, YES!

Because... that's also me.

And it is a hurt part of me. Which I accept now.

The story isn't going to be the same. You're warned.

Thank you... again.

I wish you'll live the most wonderful days of your life EVERY. Single. Day!!