Chapter 1 (6/7)

Everybody was watching the duel burst out laughing. They thought Kain had some tricks up his sleeve, but all he did was cast a level 1 Conjuration spell, [Conjure Skeleton Warrior].

Jaane was the only one who didn't laugh. She asked Adela, "Why are people laughing?"

It took Adela five seconds to stop laughing before she could answer Jaane, "[Conjure Phantom Knight] is the level 10 Conjuration spell, the highest spell of Novice Conjurer Mage. But [Conjure Skeleton Warrior] is just a level 1 Conjuration spell. Any Novice Conjurer Mage could cast [Conjure Skeleton Warrior] spell after a month of training. People were laughing because how can a Skeleton Warrior fight against an opponent that is at least ten times stronger than it? The Phantom Knight will defeat that Skeleton Warrior in one hit."

"In one hit? Isn't that Skeleton Warrior still blocking the Phantom Knight's attacks?"

Adela stopped talking to Jaane and looked back at the duel to see if that was true. The laughing stopped as everyone was surprised by what they were watching. The Skeleton Warrior not only managed to block the attack from the Phantom Knight once but twice, three, four, five times in a row. The Skeleton then swung its sword at the Phantom, forcing it to parry the attack using its greatsword.

Mariel asked Vincenzo, "Professor Biersack, why is that Skeleton Warrior stronger than normal? From what I have known, the Phantom Knight could crush it in one strike."

Vincenzo did not answer. Not only did Mariel turn to look at Vincenzo, but Faziel and Rogal did so as well. They wanted to hear Vincenzo's answer. Several seconds later, Vincenzo said, "Impossible. This can't be."

Faziel asked, "What's impossible?"

"Intermediate Mage, but he is too young."

Rogal asked, "What? Do you mean that a newly transferred student is an Intermediate Mage?"

"If not, how can his Skeleton Warrior fight back against the Phantom Knight? If both of them are level 10 Novice Mages, that Skeleton Warrior will not be able to fight back a Phantom Knight like that."

Mariel asked, "Could he have used [Mana Infusion] technique?"

"That could be. If that is the case, then it makes sense."

[Mana Infusion] is the activation technique to make a magic spell stronger by putting all the mana of the caster into casting it. This technique could be used by all magic casters.

On the dueling ground, the Skeleton Warrior was trying its best to fight back but eventually lost to the Phantom Knight. After another spin attack by the Phantom, the Skeleton fell to the ground and was broken to pieces.

Adela was so happy to see that result. She cheered out loud, "Yes!"

Not only she, but almost every other student cheered out loud as well. They have nothing to be mad against Kain. But Arthur was the icon for their Mages' Academy of Nosh while Kain was just a newly transferred student from the Mages' Academy of Lylnesle. If Kain wins this duel, then it would mean Lylnesle has won against Nosh.

The Commonwealth of Krorg and Grand Duchy of Macmalian are allied due to the growing invasion threats from the Dryardian Empire, a Demi-Humans nation. Despite that, most people do not want to see the representative of their nation lost to another.

All the professors watching the duel nodded and smiled after the Skeleton Warrior was crushed to pieces. Vincenzo said, "I think this duel is over. [Mana Infusion] has drained all of his mana pool. Even if the new student can conjure another Skeleton Warrior and activate [Mana Infusion] again; the result for this duel will not change."

Other professors nodded while Vincenzo predicted the outcome of this duel.

Instead of sending his Phantom Knight to attack Kain, Arthur gave the command for it to stay still and said, "This battle is over and I have won. Admit defeat then apologize to me, and no pain shall come to you."

Kain seemed to be speechless and remained shocked.

Arthur continued to say, "Trust me, this is not the first time I have defeated a cocky fellow student. I understand how you feel now. Just remember a strong magic caster needed to know there is and always will be someone else stronger. This is the key to victory. If you continue to think that you are strong, then your improvement will be slower compared to the one that keeps motivating themselves to be stronger, such as I."

Two seconds later, Kain got out of his shocking state and managed to speak, "Are you being serious?"

"Yes, I am being very serious. Worry not, no one will laugh at you when you admit defeat. You have done a great job today of keeping my Phantom Knight busy that long. You and I are both Conjurer Mages. We will be classmates for the next seventeen years together. I don't need to have a rival classmate, do you understand? Admit defeat, we will shake hands then walk out of this dueling ground as friends."

As Arthur and everyone else was watching the duel waited for Kain to admit defeat. Cade Lawson had her [Major Healing], level 11 Light spell, to be ready just in case Kain refused Arthur's offer of surrender and ended up getting attacked by the Phantom Knight. A Conjurer Mage is useless if his conjured creature was killed before he could conjure another one. Kain was using [Mana Infusion] technique for boosting the strength of his Skeleton Warrior; his mana pool must be depleted by now and would take hours to fully regenerate.

To show off his real power, Arthur casted another [Conjure Phantom Knight] spell. One more Phantom appeared and stood next to the other while swinging its greatsword ready to attack. Arthur said, "Two Phantom Knights. Kain, surrender while you still can. If not, your injury won't be just a simple strike but could be life-threatening."

All the students were amazed to witness a Novice Conjurer Mage conjure two Phantom Knights. Summoning spells and Conjuration spells are two different types of magic spells. A magic caster can summon only one creature to assist them in battle while continuing to use their mana to maintain it. If the magic caster's mana pool is depleted, then the summoned creature will be banished back to the realm where it came from.

On the other hand, a Conjurer Mage can conjure as many creatures as he/she wants as long as that Conjurer Mage has enough mana to do it. They do not have to use mana to maintain the conjured creatures, but their mana pool will not auto-regenerate as long as their conjured creatures still exist.

Throughout the whole Toria Continents, a Novice Conjurer Mage that had enough mana to conjure two Phantom Knights is extremely rare. Arthur Castillon was not only a genius but a very powerful one as well.

Kain finally burst out laughing very loudly, making everyone confused. Some even thought he went crazy after witnessing the clear gap between him and Arthur. But their confusion quickly changed to anger after hearing what Kain had just said to Arthur using a cocky demeanor.

"Arthur, you are truly a worthless piece of shit. As you have said, a strong magic caster needed to know there is and always will be someone else stronger. Weakling, I will show you what it means to be strong." Kain said while staring evilly at Arthur.

Many students couldn't control their anger anymore and yelled out loud, "Attack him! Kill him!" Because they wanted to see Kain suffer in pain or even die in the process of getting attacked by the Phantom Knights. Arthur was being too nice to let Kain surrender in peace. But instead of thanking Arthur, Kain dared to call him a weakling piece of shit once again.