Chapter 3 (2/7)

Hearing that, Alethra said, "Quinn, deactivate [Wind Walk] spell."

Quinn immediately deactivated the [Wind Walk] spell as Alethra asked him to. Quinn and Alethra started to land on the ground again looking up at Krynt and Eleanor.

Krynt said, "They are baiting us to land so they can use the same trick. We will continue to fight them using the airborne techniques."

Eleanor casted [Conjure Thunder Eagle] spell, a Thunder Eagle appeared and she immediately commanded it to attack. As the Thunder Eagle casted [Chain Lightning] spell toward Quinn. Quinn casted [Warding Wind] to reflect that [Chain Lightning] back toward Krynt's group. Using the same tactic, Krynt also casted [Warding Wind] spell to reflect the [Chain Lightning] spell. The [Chain Lightning] spell then faded away after being reflected twice.

Krynt laughed and said out loud, "Let me show you the true power of a mastered Intermediate Wind Mage. You, the mastered Intermediate Earth Mage. You will be powerless against me."

Krynt casted [Gust], level 5 Wind spell, to created strong wind pressure in the arena which could enhance all Wind spells to be stronger. Krynt has been chanting [Wind Strike] spells non-stop since the battle started and waited for the right time to use it. Krynt then casted [Wind Strike] spell thirty times toward Alethra.

Krynt thought, "With the active buff from [Gust], my [Wind Strike] spells are now much stronger. I wanted to see how you can survive against it."

Alethra casted [Stone Skin], with the intent to absorb all the damage from Krynt's [Wind Strike] spells. However, her [Stone Skin] spell was broken as it absorbed only twenty-six of [Wind Strike] spells. The other four [Wind Strike] spells successfully cut through Alethra's body.

Quinn was not having a good time either. Eleanor’s Thunder Eagle kept repeatedly attacking him using [Thunder Strike] spells. Quinn was forced to keep his [Warding Wind] up to reflect it while chanting for [Wind Strike] spells. But because the Thunder Eagle was immune to all Novice's Thunder Magic spells, Quinn's [Warding Wind] reflected [Thunder Strike] couldn't cause any damage toward it.

Quinn had finally finished chanting the [Wind Strike] spell forty times, he immediately casted it. Forty [Wind Strike] spells flew toward and killed the Thunder Eagle in an instant thanks to the active buff from Krynt's [Gust] spell which enhanced the power of his [Wind Strike] spell as well.

Quinn smiled and said, "Didn't you know that [Gust] works both ways? Thank you for the free buff."

Krynt ignored Quinn because he knew [Gust] enhanced all Wind Magic spells either if it was cast by him or an opponent magic caster.

Krynt thought, "As soon as I finished chanting for the next spell, you will no longer be able to smile."

Eleanor has been chanting to conjure more creatures as well but she didn't want to cast it until Krynt gave her the signal. Approximately thirty seconds later, Krynt nodded at Eleanor signaling her to conjure more creatures to the battlefield. She casted [Conjure Thunder Eagle] spells two times to conjure two Thunder Eagles. Eleanor gave the commands for the Eagles to attack Quinn allowing Krynt to keep his focus on Alethra.

Alethra received heavy injuries as four of Krynt's [Wind Strike] spells cut through her. She casted [Tree of Life], level 11 Earth spell, to create a healing tree next to her location with a healing radius of one thousand square feet. All of her wounds were immediately healed by the Tree of Life. Unlike [Healing Vines] spell, [Tree of Life] is a living thing and will defend itself against any attacks.

At Alethra's current level of Earth Magic, the airborne fight was her disadvantage as none of her spells worked against flying targets. However, Alethra’s defense was much stronger compared to all other Elemental Magic. If Krynt wanted to defeat Alethra, he must have some kind of a trump card under his belt or he would run out of mana and lose this battle. Having an odd feeling, Alethra casted [Stone Skin] spell on Quinn and herself just in case.

Quinn was still busy fighting with two Thunder Eagles. Quinn stopped maintaining [Warding Wind] spell and started chanting as Alethra's [Stone Skin] spell cast on him helped absorb all damages caused by the Eagles. After Quinn finished chanting [Wind Strike] eighty times, he casted it on the two Eagles at the same time and killed them both. After that attack, Quinn’s mana pool was near depletion. Eleanor's mana pool was also near depletion as well what was why she couldn’t conjure another Thunder Eagle but her duty of keeping Quinn busy was finished as Eleanor saw Krynt give her another head nod.

Krynt was waiting for the moment Quinn's mana pool nearly reached depletion as he finished chanting for his strongest spell of an Intermediate Wind Mage. Krynt activated [Mana Infusion] and casted [Whirlwind], level 20 Wind spell, to create a powerful whirlwind from his location and commanded it to head toward Alethra's location. The whirlwind traveled at a fast speed then sucked the Tree of Life, Quinn, and Alethra in its center.

Quinn used the last of his remaining mana and casted [Wind Walk] spell on Alethra and himself in the attempt to fly out of the whirlwind. After two minutes of struggling, Quinn's mana was depleted as his [Wind Walk] spells were deactivated. Quinn and Alethra were sucked inside the whirlwind and it flew them up higher than two thousand five hundred (2500+) feet and then threw them down on the ground repeatedly. The Tree of Life was destroyed after hitting the ground six times while Quinn and Alethra have not taken any damage due to Alethra's [Stone Skin] spells protecting them. Notwithstanding, Alethra knew just one more drop and her [Stone Skin] spells will be broken. Falling on the ground from that height will crush both of them to death.

Due to no other option available, Alethra activated her [Mana Infusion] and recast [Stone Skin] spells on Quinn and herself. The whirlwind lasted for more than ten minutes but eventually weakened after dropping Quinn and Alethra a hundred sixty two (162) times. The whirlwind didn't fade away until it dropped Quinn and Alethra one last time from two thousand five hundred feet height. Even so, both Quinn and Alethra did not suffer from any damages as their [Stone Skin] spells were still working to protect them. As Quin and Alethra were getting up from the ground, Krynt and Eleanor were flying down as the duration for their [Wind Walk] spells were almost run out of time because Krynt’s mana pool was depleted due to the [Mana Infusion] technique.

Quin laughed and said, "Thank you for the good ride. I guess this round is a draw."

Krynt asked, "Is that so?"

"Uh… our mana pools are depleted, but so are yours."

"Quinn, you have miscalculated then. Eleanor, show them."

Eleanor casted [Conjure Skeleton Warrior] spell, a Skeleton Warrior appeared and waited for her commands. Eleanor did not command the Skeleton Warrior to attack because the [Stone Skin] spells on Quinn and Alethra were still working. But because Alethra’s mana pool was depleted, the [Stone Skin] will soon fade away it's the duration runs out.

After seeing a Skeleton Warrior was conjured to the battlefield, Quinn knocked himself on the head. If he hasn't used the last remaining mana for [Wind Walk] spells then he will have enough to cast two more [Wind Strike] spells which could be enough to kill this Skeleton Warrior. There was nothing Quinn could do now but looked at the weak-ass Skeleton Warrior as it was flexing its bones ready to murder him and Alethra. After the duration of [Stone Skin] spells runs out, the Skeleton Warrior will slash them up using its sword. No Intermediate Mage could have thought that they would lose because of a Skeleton Warrior.

What comes must come, Quinn and Alethra have lost this round as they surrendered out loud to Eleanor and Krynt.

Quinn sadly whispered to himself. “All because of a Skeleton Warrior...”

Hearing their declaration of surrender, the announcer quickly announced, "First round, Mages' Academy of Smot has won. Now, let's the second round start. Huh? Oh, there will be minor changes on both teams for the second round. We will take a two minutes break."

On the reserved areas for Mages' Academy of Nosh. Sofia asked, "Arthur, are you certainly sure about this?"

Arthur knew Sofia Verardi was a good friend of Kain. He couldn’t help but wonder why she didn't fight in Kain's team but joined his team instead.

Arthur said, "Yes, I am sure about it. If we lose this second round, then there will be no third round."