WebNovelTwin Soul30.13%

V2 C1 (7/7)

It has come to this point, Kain doesn’t care about securing his true identity anymore. He will kill this stupid Black Panther first then kill Jaane right after that. Kain will wait for thirty minutes before bringing Jaane’s corpse back to Professor Lawson by that way she won’t be able to get revived. Killing Jaane to secure his true identity from being exposed is no big deal at all. If needed, Kain would be glad to kill the entire Mages’ Academy to better secure his true identity from being exposed. Kain took out the Blood Ring hidden under his tongue and put it in his right middle finger. He then casted [Infused Blood] to tap into its blood pool and activated [Abyssal Flesh] to transform himself into the Flesh Monster.