Zorim asked in an angry tone, "You have sold your souls to Tykan. Do you have any idea what you have done?"
Using Kain's body, Tykan smirked and said, "It was you who cheated first. You shouldn't have given a Life Potion to that God Warrior."
"Tykan, Kain made a choice of fighting against Flint Duril even when I told him that he couldn't win. I didn't force him to participate in that battle. You on the other hand have chosen to interfere in their match and violated the rules of The Creator. Prepare for the consequences."
"There won't be any consequences. Kain voluntarily agreed to fight with Flint despite knowing his opponent was a God Warrior. Just like Kain voluntarily agreed to surrender both of his Souls to me knowing that I can take over his body at any time I wanted to. I didn't violate any of The Creator's rules. His body is weaker compared to Vierna, but I will make sure to use it carefully. You can kiss that Toria Continents planet goodbye because I will destroy it."