Finwe flew through the portal to come back into his realm and Kain immediately closed it after that. Kain had given Finwe a High-tier Advancement Potion and one out of two Soul Advancement Stones he had. Kain smiled and thought to himself, “I’m glad Finwe has decided to grow up and take responsibility for his people instead of hiding in mountains like a monk ignoring all of his problems.”
Kain then flexed his Vampire Wings and attempted to fly toward Hearlen city to meet up with Ariana as he had told her that he would. But because Kain was flying too fast, he caught up to Ariana when she was still at Millow city, just ten miles from the area where he last saw her.
Landed in front of Ariana, Kain said, “Can those stupid Eagle-kin Demi-Humans escort the slaves without you?”
Ariana immediately nodded her head, turned toward the Eagle-kins, and said, “You guys will escort the slaves from here on, I have to go.”
One of the Eagle-kin said, “Ma’am, you should-”
“Shut up!”