WebNovelTwin Soul62.40%

V3 C4 (2/8)

Arthur closed his eyes as he thought to himself, “If I successfully raid this Timeless Dungeon, my Conjurer Soul can be upgraded to either Necromancer Soul to unlock Necromancy Magic, Divination Soul to unlock Spectral Magic, or Ethereal Soul to unlock Creation Magic. Not just that, if I can train my physical strength to Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior, then I can also choose a specialization warrior class to unlock special warrior abilities like the Demi-Humans. This is great. I will come back to Toria Continents as strong as Lord Noe Clerico, or even stronger than him!”

Back to the present of Toria Continents. Dryardian Empire. Benil city. A Demi-Human warrior ran inside the Emperor’s Palace to report, “Emperor Acilianus, Noe Clerico had left Benil city.”

“Did he win? Was the Supreme Leader killed?” Lucius eagerly asked.