Chapter Ninety Three

"Oh honey" Katherine heard Jensen say. "Don't move like that"

She turned around so she could face him. "Jensen" she said. Her breath against his neck.

"Hmmm" he murmured sleepily as he pulled her closer and she buried her face in his neck. He sniffed her hair and smiled contentedly.

"You just got home?" Katherine asked.

"Hmmmm" Jensen murmured again.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Three thirty" Jensen replied

Katherine sat up, her brows came together as she frowned. "What?" she said. "And you are just coming home?"

"Yep" Jensen replied, his eyes still closed as he lay beside her.

"Look Jensen," Katherine began. "I know you have a lot to do and I know that you are really busy at work. But you have to make out time to be with us at home. The kids and I need you and I don't want this to become a habit"

Jensen sighed. He knew she was right. He opened his eyes then he wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her down to the bed so she was lying next to him again.