Chapter One Hundred and Five

"An ex who is an investor and you didn't even bother to tell me about it. What exactly do you take me for? You know what, I blame myself for this. I shouldn't have come here in the first place. I'm leaving. Maybe there is another lady outside your door waiting for me to leave" Katherine said.

"Come on, baby. Listen to me" Jensen said.

"Baby?" Katherine repeated. "Don't Jensen. Don't baby me right now"

"Will you please just listen to me?" he asked.

"No I won't" Katherine said, and please don't even try to make me. I do not want to cause a scene here at your office. So if you want to talk, you can just come home or you can stay here and 'work' if you want. It's your choice, Jensen. As always "

And before he could say anything else, she was out of his office and rushing down to her car
