Chapter 21

Parking lot of Ogiya Inn, Subashiri, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka

May 13, 2013

8:14 A.M.

Ikeda Kurumi

"Mother, the nails hurt," I whispered to Mother as she squeezed my right hand while we watched Father being examined and questioned by the Colonel from the Medical corps of the Ground Self Defense Forces.

We were in the dim lighted, makeshift command tent of one of the known remaining groups of Japanese Self Defense Forces in Shizuoka. And the only people inside the place was me, Mother, Father, Ichigo who stood by Father's side acting as Father's assistant just in case, the Colonel and Major Suzumoto in military fatigues.

Everyone else was asked to go outside by the Colonel for privacy reasons several minutes earlier, after Father came in and tried to report for duty, while we accompanied him for moral support.

It was apparent even at that point in time, before he managed to declare that he was voluntarily seeking a medical discharge, that he can't continue being a Self Defense Forces member even if he wanted to.

Father, wearing new clothes composed of a white, printed shirt and worn out, loose fitting blue jeans, was shaking in place as he stood and saluted, and his speech pattern is still the same as yesterday. Slow, and frequent badly pronounced words.

"Sorry Kurumi," Mother whispered in apology as the pressure on my hand lessened. "It' you know how painful it is to see the person you love give up on his dreams?"

A moment later she stiffened up, unable to control the embarrassed blush on her cheeks and unable to look at me because of what she had accidentally just said.

"It's alright Mother," I sighed out as I looked at the woman clad in fresh clothes composed of a thankfully thick, envy enducing tight, white shirt and worn out skinny jeans. "To be honest...I had no goal at the time I became Ichigo’s girlfriend," I lied to her.

'Actually I wanted to be the work at home housewife of the man I love. But you're just going to get angry at me even if I explain that I didn't want it to happen the way things went for me and your son, no?'

To make the awkwardness go away, I softly asked her something that I became curious about once the issue of dreams came up.

"Mother, do you know the reason why Father wanted to join the Self Defense Forces? Ichigo told me that his dream to be a member of the Self Defense Forces was because he wanted to be just like Father.”

"Hmm…did you ask Mother Taeko and Father Iori during the annual Ohta family reunion?"

"I did. And I got two different stories from Great Grandmother in law Taeko and Great Grandfather in law Iori when I asked them."

"Then if my memory is correct, did their explanation go like this? Father Iori credited Hayato's interest in the Self Defense Forces to sheer simple boredom with Higashikushira's countryside and the annual recruitment drives by Self Defense Forces members in rural high schools. But Mother Taeko blamed her husband for influencing Hayato with his stories about his time in the Boeitai, and the stories Father Iori heard about the Imperial Japanese Army from his own father, at a time when Hayato is still mourning his dead parents and is lost for directions in life."


Father and his family used to live in Kagoshima city. One day when Father was ten years old he, Grandmother and Grandfather were walking towards a store when they walked by a flatbed truck carrying a full load of 50kg cement bags that were loaded and secured improperly. It was so very unlucky that at the moment they walked by the ropes snapped, causing all three of them to get buried by a landslide of 50kg objects.

When they were dug out from under the bags, Grandfather and Grandmother were found dead from crushed heads and snapped spinal cords while Father survived with a snapped leg because his parents’ bodies protected him from the worst of it.

The company who owned the truck and the cargo, Aso Cement, voluntarily paid for the funeral expenses and Father’s medical expenses. Which included visits to a psychologist until the psychologist declared Father has mentally recovered.

"…when I asked Hayato, he explained that his grandparents were partially right. He admitted to feeling bored in the countryside, and that Father Iori’s stories did make his job choice more attractive. But the original motivation was…childish.”

I blinked and stared at Mother using a word that didn’t seem applicable to Father.

“After an incident that involved some alcohol on the part of Father in law happened when he was nine years old, Hayato resolved to join the JSDF because he wanted to become a general. And when he became a general, he could…bully back Father in law’s tormentors at his office.”

“Bully? Father? Mother, what happened?”

“Apparently Father in law was the target of intense workplace jealousy in the office, because he was the company’s best performing employee. Hayato wanted to get back at them out of love for Father in law.”

“…did Father ever…take advantage of his position when he was promoted to a non-commissioned officer?”

“No. The company went bankrupt a few months after Father in law’s death. Justice had been served by Heaven."

I didn’t say anything because there was nothing I could say that won’t amount to wishing them ill. And as…

‘Hey. How many days has it been since I last thought of… or followed Goi sensei’s teachings?’

After several seconds of thinking, I realized that the last time I followed the tenets of Byakko Shinko Kai was when that Lighteater noble kicked and shouted at me for praying for peace.

I felt ashamed of myself at that instant.


Parking lot of Ogiya Inn, Subashiri, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka

May 13, 2013

8:16 A.M.

Ohta Ichigo

“What do you think Colonel Goto?” Major Suzumoto asked his higher ranking colleague from the Medical Corps of the JGSDF.

“I agree. Sergeant First Class Ohta can’t fulfill his duties what with his brain damage, and all the places that can treat his disability are either in places currently occupied by enemies or destroyed in the fighting. But…”

Colonel Goto glared at Major Suzumoto.

“I am extremely reluctant to bypass so many steps in the Disability Evaluation System, and to act as both the Medical Evaluation Board and the Physical Evaluation Board. You’re setting me up for a court martial here, Major. And I don’t even have the forms to start the process with me. They all burned up inside the hospital,” he complained.

“I know that this isn’t following proper procedures, Colonel. But a deal with an extremely important civilian contractor for the Self Defense Forces partly depends on an expedited Medical Discharge for Sergeant First Class Ohta.”

“The Disability Evaluation System takes at least 6 months from start to Medical Discharge. You want him discharged this day or tomorrow. How do I even talk my way out of that once someone points that out?”

“By pointing out we are doing it to obtain the services of the person who can see into the future and win us a war.”

Colonel Goto and Major Suzumoto had a stare off that lasted for several moments before the Colonel sighed.

“Alright. I’ll play along. But you help me out if I get a Court Martial for this. Clear?”

“Understood, Colonel.”

“Good. Now let’s figure out where we could get forms for the paperwork.”


After a few moments of discussion by Colonel Goto and Major Suzumoto regarding where to get any military discharge forms, I suggested that we could ask the magic wielding people for help

After a short conversation, which included telling them about Izanami going to the top of Mount Fuji to talk with Konohanasakuya-hime, Major Suzumoto went out of the command and ordered several subordinates to search for the Yamada twins and Krauncha and ask them to come here because we need help with something only they can do.

The Self Defense Forces member who went to Krauncha reported that the Indian man was extremely busy helping the Evaluation Support Unit's armorers, creating batch after batch of Type 89 rifles, 5.56 NATO cartridges, NATO magazines and M9 bayonets that all started to get attached with the moniker 'Magic Indian Special' because Krauncha, an Indian, made them with magic.

The Self Defense Forces member who went to the Yamada sisters came back with a plain red iromuji clad Ran and a plain black iromuji clad Mrs. Taro, who apparently came with Ran to supervise the transaction that is about to take place in her capacity as the Child Welfare Officer on the scene.

After a quick explanation of our predicament, Ran told them she can create paper forms but she needs to first familiarize herself with what they looked like first by literally handwriting them from the memories of someone who knows what they looked like.

That led to the current moment in which Ran was finishing handwriting the third and last copy of a JSDF military discharge form using brush, ink stick and ink stone, three thick, rectangular pieces of washi on the table in the middle of the command tent and Colonel Goto’s consent to letting Ran look through his memories with magic.

“Done,” Ran stated in a very satisfied tone.

“Thank you for doing this for us, Ms. Yamada,” Colonel Goto said.

“You’re welcome, Sir,” Ran cheerfully replied as she gingerly placed the brush on top of the ink stone, and then made all the writing paraphernalia dematerialize with a clap of her hands.

“Ran, have you ever given thought to working as a professional calligrapher?” Mrs. Taro asked Ran. “I have never seen anyone handwrite a government form with traditional brush and ink, and with such precision, even.”

“No Mrs. Taro. I want to be a doctor.”

“Indeed? Which specialization?” Colonel Goto remarked in a very interested manner.

“Plastic surgery.”

“Ah. What made you interested in that field?”

Ran looked at Colonel Goto with a cheeky smile.

“Because I’m half kitsune.”

After a second or two of thoughtful silence the tent filled with snickers and coughs as everyone understood the joke.

“A stereotype? That’s your reason for wanting to be a plastic surgeon?” Colonel Goto coughed out with a smile.

“Why not? I’ll make history, because if I become a plastic surgeon I will be the first kitsune from the two inari groups to become one.”

“Indeed?” Mrs. Taro asked. “Why is that?”

“Because while the inari and nogitsune kitsune have a high opinion of medical careers, they dislike plastic surgery because all the shapeshifting stories sounded like stereotyping to them,” Ran said while doing an eye roll during the latter half of her answer.

“Anyways, now that I have remembered how the military discharge forms looked like, I shall now make the papers appear with magic. How much should I make, and where should they appear?” Ran asked Colonel Goto.

“Here on the floor. Beside me,” Colonel Goto pointed out. "And, if you are alright with it, can you give me a ball pen to write with?"

"Well now, that's very lazy of you sir," Taro commented with a look of disdain at Colonel Goto, who replied with a glare that did nothing to the Child Welfare Officer.

“No, no. It’s alright Mrs. Taro. It’s a very trivial thing for me,” Ran quickly said to placate Taro.

Ran then closed her eyes, muttered something under her breath, and opened her eyes to a knee high stack of military discharge forms that was neatly bound together by, of all things, an obi. And beside that were ink sticks and a black ink stone for what I presume was for Colonel Goto's writing use.

“There. Is that alright sir?”

After a few moments of staring at the traditional Japanese writing implements, Colonel Goto said he will see if he can fill up a military discharge form with brush and ink.


“This is your copy, Ohta. Do not lose it,” Colonel Goto said grumpily as he gave Dad one of the two military discharge forms he was forced to ask Ran to fill up under his instruction, due to the Colonel’s…atrocious penmanship skill with brush and ink.

Dad shakily took the form from the Colonel’s hands, and gave a short bow to him that almost led to him falling if not for my hand supporting him by the shoulders.

“Alright. I’ll…do everything else. You just relax and follow the doctor’s orders so you can recover as quickly as your body can. Is that clear, former Sergeant First Class Ohta?”

“Yes sir,” Dad replied.


Oyama Town Hall Subashiri Branch, Subashiri, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka

May 13, 2013

9:20 A.M.

Ikeda Kurumi

“So you’re all relocating to the Police Koban down the street, Ms Ikeda?” Moe, clad in a plain yellow iromuji that hid her amputated legs, asked me from the wheelchair being pushed along by her teacher Ms. Yamato, also clad with an iromuji of the same color, while a professional looking young woman in a black skirt suit, who I presume must be the junior colleague that Mrs. Taro brought along, looked on at us from behind them.

Earlier, after Father had agreed to follow the medical advice given to him by his doctors, everyone except Ran and Mrs. Taro went out of the tent. The reason why those two remained was because Major Suzumoto suddenly made an offer to Ran to serve as a civilian contractor for the Self Defense Forces.

Judging by what I last saw their faces as I stepped outside of the command tent, Ran was intrigued while Mrs. Taro was glaring at Major Suzumoto.

While we all walked back towards the Subashiri Branch of the Oyama Town Hall, Ichigo asked his parents what they wanted to do at that moment.

Mother, who had insisted that Father must put one of his arms over her shoulders for walking support and that she can support him by herself, lost the same sappy look on her face that I always have when Ichigo and I were having a moment during a date and replied that she wanted to move in to where Ichigo, me and Ao were currently living.

Father, who seemed to be quietly enjoying having his left arm around Mother’s shoulders, slowly replied that he wanted to enjoy being around his child and his grandchild all the time.

When we got to the Oyama Town Hall Branch, we quickly went to Mama, who was guarding Father and Mother’s refugee kits while clad in denim jeans, her floral patterned blouse and her jacket. We told her about what had been decided, whereupon she declared she’s going to walk with us back to the Subashiri Police Koban and talk with Mother and Father about something.

After that I told everyone I wanted to look for Moe and Ms. Yamato, to inform them of our change in locations.

“Yes Moe. We decided that it is better if the entire family is together,” I replied while holding Mother’s refugee survival kit.

A moment later I realized I did something cruel to someone who had just been turned into an orphan.

“Oh. Then I wish the Ohta and the Ikeda family well,” Moe said with a wistful manner that made Ms. Yamato give her student a quick hug while giving me a slight frown.

“Moe, I’m sorry. That was…just send word to us if you and Ran ever need help with something, alright? Please.”

Moe smiled sadly and nodded.

“I’ll give you that message when she sends one,” Ms. Yamato said.

“Thank you. Uhm…I’ll go now.”

After giving them a bow, I turned around and walked towards the main doors of the Oyama Town Hall Branch with the feeling of embarrassment filling me up.


Subashiri Police Koban, Subashiri, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka

May 13, 2013

9:45 A.M.

Ohta Ichigo

“I’m so ashamed of myself. Me and my stupid mouth,” Kurumi, who was like me still wearing the same white shirt and worn out blue jeans, moaned while hiding her face in my daughter’s hair, as she sat at the other side of the long table created by reorganizing two of the four plastic tables in the Police Koban’s first floor.

“Kurumi, it’s alright,” Kentaro, who was wearing his blue jacket, black shirt and pants, said while rubbing Kurumi’s back from beside her. “You already apologized, right?”

“But what I did to Moe was horrible. She can’t forgive me that fast.”

“Which is why you should give her some time before you meet her again anak,” Magdalena said from where she sat on Kurumi’s other side.

“But Lola, I think Ran would be working with me for the Self Defense Forces. Mama will surely meet Ms. Moe sooner rather than later,” Ao chirped up from where she sat on my wife’s hips.

“Well…at least some time is better than no time,” Magdalena tried to defend her argument. “Isn’t that right Yuki?”

“Yes, you’re right Magdalena,” Mom said from where she sat on the other side of Dad, who in turn was sitting beside me. “Kurumi, stop dwelling on your faux pas and apologize again when you see her next time.”

“Ichigo, shi…something to…her,” Dad said to me.

‘Shi must be say?’

“Dad, what can I say that everyone else hasn’t - wait…Kurumi, I’ll apologize beside you when that time comes, alright?”

“But you didn’t do anything wrong,” Kurumi complained. “You don’t have to apologize too.”

“I’m willing. I’m your boyfriend and husband to be. In sickness and in health, and for better or for worse as the marriage vows go.”

A second or so after that I realized how corny what I said was, and felt a little embarrassed by what I just said.

Kurumi looked equal parts touched and embarrassed by what I had just said, so much so that she hid her face again in Ao’s hair. My daughter, still wearing her hospital gown, was giving me a big, wide smile. Kentaro had this wistful look on his face while Magdalena patted him on the back and…was looking at Kurumi with what seems to be envy?

Dad smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up gesture, while behind him Mom mysteriously also stared at Kurumi in an envious manner.

‘What are Mom and Magdalena getting envious about?’

Mom suddenly, and shockingly, wrapped her arms around Dad’s neck and leaned towards his right ear.

“Hayato. Can you also say something like that to me in public? Please?” Mom said in a very audible and flirty manner, to my slight discomfort, that made my wife peek up from Ao’s hair with raised eyebrows and Ao to blink at Mom with curiosity.

“Me too Kentaro. Say something corny to me now.” Magdalena also joined in with an eager tone.

The two men looked at their wives, and then at each other, before looking at me and giving me a very mild glare.

“Let’s talk about something serious now. Me and Magdalena here got a request and an offer for you and Yuki and our respective children,” Kentaro said in an embarrassed tone complete with blushing cheeks and eyes that won’t look anywhere other than the table in front of him. At the same time, Magdalena had her head resting on his right shoulder with a smile that won’t look out of place on a teenage girl’s face.

‘Ah. So they’re finally asking Dad and Mom about Kurumi’s idea of everyone staying in the same place.’

“Please do,” Dad said while staring ahead, ignoring Mom doing the same thing to his right shoulder. “What is…your rec…and proposal?”

“So it goes like this. Until this war is ended, and we confirm that our house in Yokohama is still standing…can we bunk in with you and our children and grandchildren in your temporary residence?”

Mom raised her head from Dad’s shoulder upon hearing that, while Dad just blinked and slowly asked Kentaro to explain.

“See, we are concerned that once we split ways we might never see each other again for years, if ever. We don’t want that.”

Dad nodded, and then looked at Mom.

“Well…what do…you think…Yuki? I’m for…letting them…bunk with…us.”

Mom blinked, and then looked at each and every one of us before she gave her answer.

“I have no complaints against the idea. There is something to be said for safety in numbers. But we have to discuss the sleeping arrangements.”

Dad nodded again, then he turned to me and Kurumi.

“How about…you and…Krumi?”

“I agree with letting them stay with us,” I said, not bothering to tell him and Mom that this was Kurumi’s idea.

It was unnecessary and would just sidetrack everyone with the explanation.

“Me too. I will worry about Papa and Mama every day if they separate from us in the middle of this war,” Kurumi said with a hint of worry in her voice.

Dad nodded once more, and then looked at Kentaro with a smile.

“Well…glad to…have you…and Madlna…with these…troubling…times.”

“No, thank you Hayato, Yuki. Kurumi, Ichigo. Bunking in with your family is better than us hiding away in the mountains and wondering every single day if all of you and Ao are still in the world of the living with us.”

“Tell them about the offer,” Magdalena suddenly urged Kentaro.

“Oh. The offer.”

‘And here comes the offer to let us live with them in their house in Yokohama.’

“Uh…Hayato, do you have any idea on where you and Yuki, and our children and grandchildren, will settle in while your house in Matsumoto is being repaired?”

“Will not…per house…I will…sell land…to the…JSDF.”

‘Per, maybe repair, Dad will what?’

Everyone was surprised by Dad’s words. And then Ao made a guess that made me repeatedly look between her and Dad.

“Grandpa, will we live with Great, Great Grandpa and Great, Great Grandma?”

‘Higashikushira? The Ohta Ancestral Farm?’

Dad’s nodding confirmed Ao’s guess. And made everyone except Ao and Dad look at each other.

“Grandma…Grandpa,” Dad continued. “…made chos…last Winter…break. During faml…reunion. They said…after I…retr…they will…give me.”

‘Chos, choice. Faml, family. Retr, could be retired. My great grandparents finally decided who inherited that place? Why don’t I know about this?’

I was puzzled because such a decision would normally be announced during the gathering of the high school and above aged males of the Ohta family. And I’ve been included in said gathering ever since I became a father.

“The family farm in Kagoshima Prefecture? The one your family owned for generations?” Kentaro asked in a request for clarification.


“Won’t Grand Uncles Ijiro, Haruto and Grand Aunt Kaoru complain?” I asked, still mystified as to when during the last Ohta family reunion just this December this was announced.

“Forget about them, what about your male cousins Hayato? Daigo, Daichi, Akihisa, and Hiroto really want that piece of real estate so they could develop it into something more profitable,” Mom asked worriedly.

“What about his female cousins?” Magdalena asked Mom.

“Rin and Mayu aren’t interested with the farm. What would they want with a farm if they already have these oh so much better jobs as assistant professor and hair salon owner?” Mom said in a mocking way to show what she thinks of Dad’s female cousins.

“Yuki…stop it.”

“Yes dear.”

“No one…will complain. Grandpa…will tell…this urs…family reunion. Will demand…farm goes…to one…weing…to farm.”

‘Urs, year’s? Weing, willing? Oh. So Great Grandpa and Great Grandma gave Dad advanced warning. I see.’

“That’s you? You’re willing to farm?” Magdalena asked Dad with a skeptical tone. “I know farming stories from my Lolo and Lola. They used to have a farm but they sold it to a real estate developer, moved to the outskirts of Batangas City’s commercial district and built an apartment there using the proceeds after Papa died, because raising three growing grandchildren on the worth of one hectare of rice and accompanying milk bearing kalabaw is very hard. It’s a hard life being a farmer, my Lolo and Lola will tell you.”

“I farmed.” Dad said with a smirk. “When parents…died…helped Granda…Grandma…farm. Until I…graduated…high sko. Farming…second...favorite job.”

‘Grandpa, school, wow I didn’t know that.’

“Can you do farming activities in your present state? Lolo and Lola were still fit, but they gave up farming because they’re getting old and because the money isn’t enough.”

“What crop…did they…plant?”

“Mainly rice. Also had vegetable plots and a few chickens and a female kalabaw to add to the income.”

“Ha! Daikon. And farm…on high…ground…besd…Higashikushira…river.”

‘Besd must be beside. And he didn’t mention about soil fertility.’

“Oh. Valuable and easy plant, easy grow food crop with riverside access for watering and soil fertility? With high ground too? Your ancestors were on easy mode all this time. That explains your confidence,” Magdalena grumbled in an envy filled tone.

Before Magdalena was able to say anything more, someone knocked on the door of the Police Koban.

When we turned towards that direction, we saw Major Suzumoto, with Ran, Mrs. Taro, and two of Major Suzumoto’s subordinates. One of the subordinates carried a JPRC F…70, I think, man pack radio, made by Mitsubishi. The other held a stack of what appears to be blank papers.

“May I have your attention?” Major Suzumoto asked. “The 13th Infantry Regiment has arrived in Oyama. Colonel Kanda will be here shortly to sign the contracts for civilian consultants and contractors.”