Please, come with me

Greeted by the warmth of the sun on her skin, the paste had melted on her face. It was dewy and sticky yet felt dried and compressed on her face, the sensation was as if her skin was tightened.

The bedsheets crumpled as her limbs moved to get up.

Lilith splashed water on her face, the substance went along as the water fell on the basin, her skin glowed under the morning light. It felt as if there had been no sorrow in her life.

For several swift her skin was free from the white paste that laid on her face overnight. Her sunken cheeks puffed to its right feature, and the freckles popped visible on her nose and across her cheeks.

She gazed to a reflection, and there met herself. A younger one.

Unrobed herself, she walked before the closet door. Hundreds of clothes folded and hanged, she turned to look at these fabrics but felt as if there were lesser clothes than usual.

His leathered shoes still hid in the corner of their closet, yet the owner of those two feet could not use nor walk it anymore.

Rose began to widen her eyes, she grabbed the clothes of what her hands laid on, not caring for the word ‘fashion’ and how it works.

She left the room and went to take the papers that laid on the ground of their living room, where she had last touched it. Lilith collected the papers and decided. “I’ll take care of this.”

Lilith locked the door on her way out. The humming of the bird was melodic to the ears, peaceful and quiet. The car key clinked on a key chain, it felt rather heavy on her tender fingers.

It was then she noticed this rusty mortice key among other keys that swinged beside the car key.

This one unfamiliar key surely does not belong in any of the doors in their house, “Oh Gerald, what have you left me?” she gripped the keys altogether in her hands and kissed the cold metals.

The bird’s song was melancholy at the moment, Lilith went to start the engine. There it made a noise and she got in. The window of the car was down, letting the passing winds wave her hair.

Driving her way to Atty. Mackenzie’s office first thing in the morning.

Lilith took the keys out from the ignition. Lilith’s pants were first seen after opening the door, her black shoes landed on the cement. Her appearance on his office gave Atty. Mackenzie a shock.

“Mrs. Arlott! How have you been these past few days?”

“Miserable.” She looked down to her hands.

“Oh, Mrs. Arlott, I am not sure this is the right place you-“

“I need an accompany with me to reach the mansion” she interrupted.

His thumb and point-finger rubbed the tips of his mustache, “You jest surely, Mrs. Arlott?” His face muscle supported his rounded cheek as he smiled to her.

Lilith did not utter a word and looked rather impatient for his reasonable answer.

“I see. Well, I’m afraid Mrs. Arlott” he walked round the office among other people,

“As your eyes can see, we’re all busy in here” he opened his arms showing how the people behind him, buried in their desk.

Though upon looking at her down reaction, he offered another choice for her to take,

“Perhaps you can bring Mr. Jonas Green?” letting down his arms and walking close to her pace,

“One of close acquaintance of your husband, I am sure you have seen him in the funeral”

“I have, will It be all right if I were to ask Mr. Green?”

“And what of me?” A deep voice interrupted the two, making their heads turn to this man.

“Aha! Mr. Green, we were just talking about you”, Mackenzie walked to him welcomely,

“would you be a gentleman to Mrs. Arlott accompanying her to this mansion?” he turned to look back at Lilith.

Lilith examined his face feature; his jaw was wide, covered with shirt bits of grayed hair. His eyes were squished by his thick brows, met Lilith's eyes. His masculine figure could be easily identified and seen through his suit he wore, although it is almost ragged, it looked fashionable on his body. His slacks straightened as he moved his legs forward to Lilith,

“Of course, how may I help?”

“Accompaniment to this mansion ‘he’ left me.” She braved her posture trying to reach close to his height.

“My pleasure,”

“Now, now, go along” Mackenzie clapped his hands, it surely looks like he was shoo-ing them away.

Mackenzie pushed Mr. Green’s back and nudged Lilith’s back to go on to their business as he does his own. The place filled with real problems, they did not want to meddle anymore and be troublesome to Mr. Mackenzie, a simple courtesy.

They both exchanged information, a little of smiles here and there.

Both came inside the car, slamming the door closed and strapping the belt on across their waist, he drove, and she rode.

The silence between the two did not seem awkward since the radio had covered the deafening silence inside the vehicle.

A pleasant ride, the passing wind felt good on her skin. With the windows down, she felt refreshed and alive. Her black hair danced to the blow of wind, it was dazzling to look at, and Mr. Green had seen this beauty for a glimpse.

A corner passed and stoplights, the car halted waiting for it to go green.

“So where exactly is this mansion?” he turned to face Lilith, leaving both his hands on the steering wheel.

A few seconds of silence, then she uttered “Louisiana”, still gazing out the window.

“Louisiana?! Don’t you think this car will be able to hold on?”

She did not respond.

“From California to Lou-" he sighed massaging his forehead.

"not even a hundred mile, this car will not be able to carry on a 27-hour drive” At a green light, he turned the car around.

“What are you doing?!” her gaze finally fixated on his hands that held the steering wheel, and to his face.

“I am willing to accompany you, but please plan this.” His eyes glued to the road as if her presence was not there.

“A better car can lead us to the destination effectively, or flight instead.”